Chapter 14: The dress

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This morning Mikey was taking me to get my dress so I had to get up a bit earlier than usual for once. I was kind of excited about going out again but Mikey was going to be with me which made me anxious I think I've only met him once and that was when I was laying on the floor in my underwear crying and he scared me I didn't know how he was going to be today.

I had a shower and then got dressed into a black skirt and white t-shirt and by now Gerard was up as well he must've got up whilst I was in the shower he saw the nervous look on my face and he beckoned me to come over to him "you excited, sugar?" He asked me putting his arms around my waist "um y-yes" I said trying to seem like I was but also trying to reassure myself that I was but the truth is I'm terrified of what will become of me he must've noticed the slight stutter in my speech "you'll be alright, you know Mikey won't hurt you, right?" He knew I wasn't so sure of Mikey and him saying that made me relax a little bit I nodded at him so he knew I understood "and if he does, I don't care what he says, you tell me" which made me worry again "o-okay" "and you're gonna look so pretty in that dress I promise you, sugar, Mikey is there to help you" he said still seeing the fear on my face he kissed me on the lips briefly then he let go of my waist "let's go and find Mikey then shall we?" He said gently taking my hand as we walked downstairs.

Mikey was waiting for me at the bottom of the stairs Gerard held my waist from behind and kissed the side of my face "I love you" he whispered into my ear. I didn't love him obviously so I didn't know how to respond without sounding rude so I turned around and put my arms around his neck "I'll miss you" I said into the crook of his neck "I'll miss you too, sweetheart" he said to me rubbing my back he noticed I'd gone all shy and clingy now that Mikey was here. I don't know what it was but it might just be that the only encounter I'd actually had with Mikey he'd made me feel uncomfortable "it's alright,
y/n, Mikey won't hurt you, he's gonna help you get a dress" I slowly nodded into him and then I took my arms from around his neck I looked up at him and he placed a small kiss on my lips "see you soon, my princess" he said to me as Mikey opened the door and Gerard walked off back upstairs "you try anything stupid and I'll make you regret it" Mikey threatened I looked behind for Gerard but he'd already gone "o-okay" I said to him following him into his car.

He didn't have a driver like Gerard he drives himself well at least he did today but I guess it's because he's not as high a rank in the mafia as Gerard or he just prefers to do things himself. He drove with the wheel in one hand and my knee in the other I didn't say anything but only out of fear I wanted this to be over as quick as possible.

When we arrived at the place it looked pretty cool to be honest the dresses were all white and there were flowers everywhere "like the look of any of these?" Mikey said pointing to three dresses that I hadn't even seen they were beautiful "I love them" I said excitedly I mean if I was going to have to marry a man I didn't want to marry the most fun I could have was wearing a pretty outfit. There was one that I had my eye on the most it was white and had red rose petals in the bottom of it the top half was mostly silk and had three quarter length lace sleeves that had a design of white roses on them it looked stunning and the skirt was a little wide but not really big or over the top just right it went inwards at the waist and then expanded out a bit towards the bottom but it wasn't a long dress either it was knee length I decided that was the one I wanted. "Mikey?" "Yeah?" he answers sounding pretty bored which is understandable we have been here a while "can I have this one please?" I asked him nicely, pointing at the dress I'd been looking at for a while now "yeah  go and ask the lady if you can try it on" he said going on his phone and leaning on a wall I went to find someone to ask to try it on.

I'd tried the dress on by now and Mikey assured me that Gerard would love it, he paid for the dress, loaded it into the back of his car and then we got in. "You looked so hot in that dress, you know?" Mikey said looking at me "um...thanks" I said awkwardly "but I'm really not surprised Gee knocked you up if I had the chance to I would've done the same as well" he said smirking at me I just said "mmh" just to show him that I heard but I didn't plan on doing anymore than that thankfully he didn't make a move on me and he just drove me back 'home' in the car it was basically silent other than the radio playing quietly in the background. He parked the car and took me back inside the mansion, and he took the dress and walked to some other part of the building to store it.

I went upstairs searching for Gerard he wasn't in the bedroom so I figured he was in his office I went down and knocked on the door and I was right "come in" he said in his work voice, I twisted the handle and entered the room he looked up expecting a colleague or something but he saw me "aww did you have a good time in the end?" He said as a smile lit up his face I walked over to him and sat down on the chair beside his "it was- okay" I told him "Mikey was alright in the end?" He asked just making sure "yeah I guess" I decided not to mention what Mikey had said to me earlier because it probably wasn't a big deal anyway. Gerard leant over to me and kissed my lips gently "I can't wait to marry you" he said smiling. Ugh I can. "Yeah" I said in response and took his hands and started fiddling with his fingers  "you're cute when you're shy" he laughed a little noticing my sudden change of mood after the wedding was brought up again. "I know you're not as excited at me but you will be on the day I know it" he said leaning into my face assuring me that I'd be excited soon but I knew he was wrong I wasn't excited I was terrified I didn't know what would happen once we were married "yeah maybe" I said sadly "and when our child comes along we'll be our own little family" he said smiling down at me "yeah it'll be nice" I said as he kissed my forehead. Poor kid it's gonna grow up with parent issues and probably become a high rank in the mafia. I sighed at the thought and Gerard could tell I was frustrated "do you want to go to bed, sugar?" He asked calmly "yes" I answered truthfully after all I was exhausted "I'll be up in an hour or so I've got to do this first, okay? There's some food in the microwave if you want anything first" "okay thank you" I said giving him a quick cuddle and a kiss then heading off out of his office.

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