Chapter 19: My son

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When we got home from the hospital he held the baby in his arms I'd never seen him be so sweet. We sat in our bedroom with Jamie. "Thank you
y/n" he said kissing my cheek "it's alright, Gee" I mumbled "can I hold him now?" I asked finally, because he'd been holding him for ages "nope" Gerard said shaking his head and moving our son further away from me "please Gerard he's my son as well you know?" I practically begged him "come on, sugar, you've been holding him for 9 months can't I hold him for a few hours" he tried to reason. "shut up it's not the same thing" I scoffed "don't talk to me like that" he said sternly "sor-" I went to apologise but then I realised I'd done nothing wrong "no he's my son give him here" I complained, eventually he handed him over to me "didn't think you'd get so worked up about it" he said bitterly "you wanted me to stay off so that I could spend time with you both and now you're being a bitch" he said angrily "Gerard, you don't get it I want to spend time with you both" I said moving a little closer to him. Although as I said it I realised I didn't want to spend time with Gerard at all. "I don't care what you want you're mine and that's my son" he said putting his hand on my shoulder only making me more annoyed, "I'm not property and neither is my son" "oh yes you are and if you're gonna be like that then I'll just leave you here while I work!" he shouted at me then Jamie started crying and Gerard took him into his arms again "shh shh it alright" he said softly to him which caused him to stop crying almost instantly "but your mummy is not very nice and I've got to work" he said to the child and handed him back to me and got up the second he was out of Gerard arms he started crying uncontrollably again. It seemed even my own son favoured him over me. As I held the boy I cried too I tried to soothe him but I couldn't the only person who seemed to be able to was Gerard and he'd left to his office.

It was around late afternoon and Jamie was still crying admittedly not as much as earlier but it was irritating for me and I was exhausted I'd only been home a day I decided if I wanted to relax for a while I'd have to get Gerard which was embarrassing for me considering I'd insisted I didn't need him.

I carefully held the boy in my arms and slowly walked to Gerard's office I knocked just hard enough for Gee to hear "come in" he commanded and I opened the door hesitantly "what do you want?" He said looking up at me "please, Gerard, come back I can't handle him on my own, you're the only one who can stop him crying" I said sadly as my lip quivered "I told you didn't I?" he smirked knowing once again he was right, I just nodded "I tell you what I'll make a deal with you, sugar" he said leaning forward and putting his hands together I looked at him with wide eyes and then at my son who was still crying "you give me a kiss and say sorry and I'll come back" he said sticking his head out a little waiting for me to accept the offer I slowly walked behind his desk and gave him a kiss, I hated him even more now because it was a nice kiss even though he'd technically kidnapped me he still had that effect on me "sorry, Gee" I said quietly looking down and he stood up "what was that I didn't quite hear you?" he teased "sorry, Gee" I repeated but this time a little louder "that's okay, sweetheart" he said as he took the boy from my arms and we left the office.

Once we got upstairs Jamie had stopped crying and I was finally able to take a shower. Oh how much I loathed Gerard for having that effect on my son even if it was his son also. I came back to the bedroom to see Gerard sitting on the bed gently rocking him to sleep in his arms it did make me smile seeing him being so careful and nice. I walked over to him and put my arm around him which made him smile he looked so happy and I really did love to see Gerard happy. He walked over to the baby's bed and placed him in there being careful not to wake him then he came over to me and kissed me. "So when shall we make the next one?" He asked, I couldn't believe it he wanted another there is no way I'm sleeping with him again "there won't be another" I said getting into bed but then he got in beside me "oh there will be weather you like it or not, sugar" he said irritated then he held me in his arms I didn't dare speak another word. "When my family come to meet my son you best behave" he said but I ignored him I was heartbroken he acted like Jamie was nothing to do with me "sugar?" He said gently shaking me then a few sobs escaped me and he turned me to face him "I didn't mean to hurt you" he said pulling me closer to his chest "I just want us to be a family" he said as he held me "then why are you treating me as if I'm not apart of it?" I said in a shaky voice "I'm not...please don't think I am I love you so much" he said kissing the top of my head whilst still holding me "please don't take my son away from me?" I said lifting up my head to look into his eyes while tears still spilled from my own "I'd never do that the last thing I want is to hurt you" he said wiping my tears away with his thumb honestly he made me sick it was as if he was two different people I know he's lying but anyway I still fell asleep in his arms once again.

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