Chapter 15: The big day

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As I lay in bed that night I cried a little, it seemed to be all I did these days but I was really scared I didn't want a child and I didn't want to get married I didn't want any of this with a man like him. All I could think about was what my life would be like after we were married and what Mikey said to me earlier still played on my mind as I went to sleep.

——Time skip——

Today was Tuesday the day before the wedding I was scared. my pregnancy was around eight weeks along now I still had seven long months ahead of me and my bump was just starting to show now. "I bet you can't wait for tomorrow" Gerard said excitedly as he touched my face gently "yeah I guess" "you're gonna look amazing" "and I'm sure you will too" I said to him trying to appear happy he put his arms around my waist pulling me into his chest and then looking down at me "that's the nicest thing you've ever said to me, sweetheart, you must be excited" he said looking into my eyes I just looked up at him and nodded. But the truth is I'm far from excited and I think he thinks I'm excited but too stubborn to admit it but I'm dreading tomorrow. "I'm gonna have a good friend of mine, Ray, walk you down the aisle, okay?" He said to me he knew I wouldn't want my actual father there but this guy 'Ray' I'd never even met. "I'll take you to meet him, later, he's a bit more friendly than Mikey and Frank that's for sure" he said after seeing the worry on my face i was relieved to hear this but I don't know what's considered friendly by Gerard's standards.

——Time skip——

Today was the day. The day my life was properly gone. Forever. The day is been dreading had finally arrived. Gerard had already left with Mikey so I was there alone with a hairstylist and makeup artist she made me look so good to be fair I loved the look. Then she helped me with my dress I stood there and looked at myself in the body length mirror I couldn't believe it the dress looked even better than when I tried it on before. The makeup and hair people finally left. I had half an hour alone time before I had to go down and meet Ray. I just sat down on the bed trying not to cry and ruin my makeup. All the thoughts racing through my mind. What will become of me? What will become of my unborn child? My life felt like it was already over but this really confirmed that I'd never escape him. I'd be stuck here. Forever. This is not what I wanted at all I'd only just got comfortable with him and even then I'm not that comfortable with him he just broke me enough times that I couldn't be bothered to retaliate anymore and now here I was. I looked around for any escape but of course there wasn't one I knew that but I was so desperate. Then I heard a soft knock on the door "come in" I said in a shaky voice trying to hold back tears. It was Ray I met him briefly yesterday he actually seemed nice. "Look I'm sorry this happened to you" he said in a comforting manor "but we've got to get you to the wedding" he said putting an arm around my shoulders "yeah you're right" I said nodding and he walked me downstairs and opened the door for me two of Gerard's guards walked beside me making sure that I didn't try and escape. Ray seemed like a nice guy he could definitely sense the pain in my eyes and voice but he didn't say much. He walked me into the wedding car and it did look beautiful. I sat down in there in the white seat Ray sat beside me and he squeezed my hand in reassurance then let go. I looked out the window to see my life flash past me, I could just see the little freedom I had being left behind.

I was just zoned out the whole journey it just flew by. The car suddenly came to a halt we've arrived at the place. It was in a huge house then one of the guards opened the car door for me and I took a deep breath and stepped out I could feel all the nerves and I was physically shaking I just wanted to cry and go home I didn't want to marry Gerard. Ray got out after me and we walked to the house.

Ray looked at me and assured me I'd be okay "you'll be alright" he said and I nodded I couldn't say anything if I did I knew I'd cry we went out the back and walked to outside the main area where the wedding is going to take place.

Wow. Here I was. About to marry my captor. I tried not cry but I felt a tear escape my eye I ran to the toilet to sort myself out. Then here I was back at the door I couldn't escape my fate now. I looked through the one way window and down the aisle I could see him he was standing there waiting for me. "Please Ray help me get out and tell him I escaped I don't care anymore I can't do this" I begged him "no I can't do that I'm sorry" Ray said in a genuine tone I just took a deep breath and Ray held my hand.

He opened the door for me and there stood Gerard his face lit up when he saw me the music played as I walked down the aisle holding Ray's hand. Gerard definitely saw the pain in my eyes even if no one else did he had a big family, they were all there and they threw confetti over me. I couldn't believe it I didn't want to believe this was happening but it was right there in front of my eyes. He did look good to be fair it was just he wasn't the one. I didn't love him there's no denying that I found his attractive or that I care for him but I don't want to marry him.

(This is what he's dressed like)

I finally got to him he put his hands on my waist and whispered "you look so beautiful, sugar" I didn't say anything then the priest started saying stuff but I wasn't really listening  I was just thinking about how awful my life has just become

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I finally got to him he put his hands on my waist and whispered "you look so beautiful, sugar" I didn't say anything then the priest started saying stuff but I wasn't really listening I was just thinking about how awful my life has just become.

Then it was time for the wedding vows. "I Gerard, take you, y/n, to be my wedded wife, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better for worse, for richer for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death us do part" Gerard said taking my hands into his I couldn't believe it this was actually happening in real life. As he said those words I just wanted to run and cry and be on my own but I couldn't I just swallowed in fear and accepted them. Accepted my fate. Then I repeated basically the same thing to him only with our names switched. I honestly wanted to be sick. His whole family cheered they didn't even seem to notice my sadness "you may kiss the bride" the priest said and Gerard leaned in and kissed me deeply on the lips and I kissed him back and just for a moment I was able to forget everything but when he pulled away it was all still there. The rest of the day I spent by his side surrounded by his family they were alright intimidating but alright.

After the day was over me and him got in the back of the wedding car to head home. "You were amazing today, Mrs Way" he said beaming at me. Ugh I hate how that sounds. "Thank you" I mumbled and he saw now how heartbroken I really was now, he took me into his arms and I held my head close to his chest "I love you" he whispered kissing the top of my head. I didn't love him I didn't want to say it back, not even on our wedding it's too late now anyway to not say it I just sighed and kissed him lightly then I lay my head on his chest again to go to sleep in the car on the way home he rubbed my face as I fell asleep.

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