Chapter 10: She's off limits

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It's been around a month and he was still manipulative as fuck but at least he wasn't stabbing me or making too many unwanted advances so I guess I should think myself lucky.

I didn't really mind Gerard being in his office all day at first I actually kind of liked it but today was different I was missing him and I wanted to see him, I wanted to be with him today and I hate myself because he's been so awful to me but I wanted to see him today. I just sat in the bedroom on the bed thinking about him, however I couldn't be lost in my thoughts for too long because I saw the door open at first my face lit up because I thought it was Gerard but then I became even more scared than usual because right there standing at my door was Frank, as in Frank from the meeting when I first came here.

He smirked at me and came over shutting the door behind him. He looked at my body luckily I was dressed but today Gerard didn't let me wear his T-shirt so I was wearing the usual outfit and I was barely covered. He walked slowly towards me I didn't know what to do I didn't know what he wanted from me so I just sat there staring. He then just sat on the bed beside me. He crawled up on top of me pinning me to the bed "I haven't stopped thinking of you since that day, you know, you little slut" he said moving a strand of my hair out of my face and breathing on my neck I could feel his breath against me and it made me shiver "g-go away and I- I- I won't tell Gerard" I said trying to reason with him "oh sweetheart are you scared? do you think he'll listen to you?" I just nodded but I didn't know about the second point he made. Would Gerard believe me? Tears started to stream out of my eyes I hadn't told anyone this but I was still a virgin and it was bad enough with Gerard for me to keep it that way but with Frank well I don't even really know what he's capable of "don't cry, if you know what's good for you and what you're good for, you won't scream when I do THIS" he said as he traced his fingers all-over my body. I squirmed a little I hated his touch I didn't want to be near him, yet here he was positioned above me and touching me whenever and wherever he felt like. I know it's a risky move but it's now or never. So I screamed "GERARD!" Frank put his hand over my mouth trying to silence me I managed to take his hand of my mouth for a second "GERARD!" I screamed even louder this time "you stupid whore!" Frank yelled at me and then the door opened and Gerard stood there he looked irritated at first but then he looked over to the bed and saw Frank on top of me and my tear stained face.

"Get the fuck off her now Frank she's off limits!" Gerard shouted at him rummaging through his pockets looking for a knife but Frank had already got off me "sorry, Gee, but you can't blame a man for trying, just look at her" he said rubbing the back of his neck guiltily "If I see you in here again Frank I'll kill you if I see you touch her without my permission again then I swear!" He shouted at Frank "alright got the message" he said rolling his eyes and leaving slamming the door behind him. Hearing him say that Frank needs his permission to touch me is honestly vile but I didn't have time to dwell on that factor right now.

Gerard came closer to me and sat on the bed beside me he took me into his arms and gave me a cuddle "what did he do to you?" He asked me with wide eyes "he didn't get a chance to do anything properly...bu-but he just touched my body and- and he called me- he called me a slut and a whore" I sobbed "it's okay I'm here now, I won't let you get hurt again" I knew that was lie because although he might protect me from others he can't save me from himself "don't cry, I love you, you're such a sweet girl I wouldn't want anything bad to happen to you" he said reassuring me that he'd keep me safe but everything bad had already happened to me anyway and he just said he loved me I don't know what to say to that really. "I've missed you today, you know?" I confessed to him "aww I've missed you too, sugar" hearing me say I missed him looked like it made his day "you know, you can come and see me anytime when I'm working in my office unless I say other wise" he said as he took my hand and rubbed little invisible circles on it "okay" I said and this time I kissed him, only on the cheek but I wanted him to know I care, he looked a bit taken aback at first "you're such a good girl" he said as he held me closer to his chest and my crying had mostly stopped now. I wish I didn't want to care about him but I do. "Hey how about you come with me to my office I've still got work to do?" I didn't know if this was a question or not but I wanted to go anyway so I nodded.

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