Chspter 13: Mr and Mrs Way

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"I can't marry you" I finally managed to say "please?" I begged "sweetheart, I know you don't want to but it has to be done if my child is illegitimate then they can't take over my job one day and the family will reject them and I think you of all people know what that's like" I just nodded blankly "but what about me?" "What a selfish thing to say" he spat he always did this he'd start all sweet and nice and then become aggressive "no Gerard, what am I supposed to do with an unhappy marriage" I said refusing to look him in the eye "we'll be happy I'll make sure of it" he said in a softer tone again. Does he really take that much pleasure in ruining my life?

"My parents are coming around later to meet you they are very high up people so you address them as Mr and Mrs Way, understood?" "Yes" oh god I didn't want to meet his parents he seemed bad enough as it is and his brother was a bit off and all. He then reached in his pocket a pulled out a diamond ring "this is for you, y/n l/n, soon to be y/n way" he smirked and placed it delicately on my finger "th-thank you it's beautiful" which is true the ring was gorgeous. "Right I'm going to help you get ready because my parents will be here in a couple of hours" he said and I just went along with it I was still absolutely stunned at the news that I was getting married. "Also my parents are aware of your pregnancy but don't mention it to anyone else until after the wedding" I nodded and followed him upstairs to get ready.

——Time skip——

There was a knock at the door and one of the guards opened it allowing them to enter I was just looking at the open door thinking how nice would it be to be free but Gerard gripped my wrist tighter so he must've seen me and thought I was plotting an escape. His Parents did look like they had high up jobs in this 'business' and they were intimidating but they seemed nice enough.

"So you're the bride to be?" Mrs Way said looking at me excitedly "y-yeah" "I can see my son really cares about you" she smiled. Yeah he totally cares about me. "He does his best" I smiled weakly and Gerard put his arm around my shoulders "you excited for the wedding then, son?" Mr Way asked him "I can't wait neither can she but we've got to get it done fast with the baby on the way and everything" he explained we all talked about fairly mundane things although a lot of the conversation didn't make sense to me because it was all 'work' related. About an hour and a half later his parents decided to leave "well nice meeting you y/n we won't see you two until the wedding so good luck with the planning" Mrs Way said and everyone said goodbye with that they both left.

A bit later on in the day he sat down with me in the dining room to have a talk with me "So we're getting married next Wednesday" he said placing a kiss on my hand "NEXT WEDNESDAY ARE YOU MAD!?" I exclaimed "I know it's a lot to take in but it's just one of those things we have to do" he said calmly I nodded slowly he rubbed my arm and smiled at me "good girl" he praised. "Tomorrow I'm having Mikey take you to pick out a dress" Mikey? Not him I've only met him a few times but I really didn't like the energy he gave off "does it have to be Mikey?" I asked sounding disappointed "yes he knows what I like better than anyone, what's wrong? he hasn't hurt you has he?" He questioned worriedly "no no it's just oh I don't know" "spit it out, sugar?" He asked sounding amused "he just scares me" "everyone scares you, princess" he chuckled. Princess? Cor I'm not his princess and yeah obviously everyone scares me I live in some scary mafia mansion with a psycho of a man who I'm getting married to but no I didn't say that "yeah sorry you're right" I sighed "you're gonna look so good on the day I promise you, it'll be worth it, baby" he said leaning over to me pecking me on the lips "not that you don't always look beautiful though" he said looking into my eyes. It was quite dark and late now so he lead me upstairs to bed I'd had a pretty stressful day I don't know why I still cared about him considering everything he did broke my heart and then broke it again.

No, Way   [Mafia Gerard Way x Female reader]Where stories live. Discover now