Chapter 18: Birth

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Gerard had been acting rude as if nothing had ever changed between us he started to treat me less like his wife and more like a prisoner again, I didn't want to be his wife but I massively preferred it to prisoner. He still held me at night, he still kissed me and said he loved me but in the day he'd order me about, the only time he was ever nice to me was when talking about our son, that he insisted was his and not ours. It broke me. When I was younger I used to think that as soon as I was old enough I'd escape my parents household and find the person of my dreams to settle down with, to have a family, have a few kids raise them up in a loving environment. But no. My son is gonna have it even worse off than I did. I was just sitting in the kitchen on a chair alone when Gerard came in. "Hey, sweetheart" he smiled, rubbing the back of his neck "hi..." I mumbled quietly "what's wrong, you lately, as if you're not if somethings not right?" I asked him, I just wanted to know, I was scared I mean after all he is the father of my child if nothing else. "I'm alright, sugar" he said as he crouched down beside the chair I was sitting on "it's just work stuff...I don't mean to take it out on you but it happens, alright?" He sighed. Wasn't much of a response but it was what I expected, the trouble is when he says work stuff he could mean anything. "When the baby's born, you will take time off won't you?" I asked him looking into his eyes, he took my hand into his "of course I will, that's why I've been so busy lately trying to get all this done in the next few months so I can spend it with my family" he said kissing it.

——time skip to 5 months later——

I was lying in bed with Gerard beside me we knew it could be any day now and he was always wary of leaving me alone incase he missed something. He always held me gently he always rubbed my baby bump he would even kiss it sometimes. He was so careful with me now, like his life depended on it, that is the only thing I will miss about being pregnant is him being gentle with me maybe he'll keep it up. Shut up y/n this is Gerard we're talking about. But then I started to get pains and they wouldn't stop I shook Gerard a little to wake him "Gee, Gerard!" He rubbed his eyes and looked a little annoyed "what's wrong can't you see in trying to have a rest" he said still half asleep "I think it's coming, Gerard I think the baby's finally here!" I said frantically. This got his attention he sat up straight away "and you're sure?" He said breathlessly "oww- yeah I'm pretty sure" I said as I got more pains. "Well we best get you to the hospital then" he said chucking on a hoodie and grabbing his car keys from beside his side of the bed. He then helped me up he could see the discomfort I was in "it's alright, sugar, you'll be alright" he said rubbing my back and helping me up he took my hand and carefully helped me down the stairs then he opened the front door and rushed me to his car. I sat in the passenger seat and for once he was actually driving. I guess he didn't have time to get a driver or he wanted this to be special and just us two.

"We'll get there in time" he reassured me or though I'm pretty sure he was saying it to reassure himself. He put one hand on my knee attempting to comfort me and the other on the wheel he sped down the road until we arrived at the hospital. He parked right outside I'm not even sure if it was in an actual parking space but we didn't have time for all that.

He rushed me out of the car and into the hospital it was freezing outside especially in the car so I was pretty glad to get inside. He explained to the staff the situation and they took me to a room immediately. Gerard was holding my hand the whole way. Whispering reassuring things to put my mind at ease. My contractions were becoming more and more painful and I had tears in my eyes by the time they got me to the bed "don't cry, sweetheart, I know it's not easy but I'll be with you the whole way" he said softly "it's hurts too much" I cried, this was the worst pain I think I've ever experienced but I mean living with Gerard is a pretty strong contender. Then my waters broke I was so scared I was so grateful for Gerard holding my hand through it all even if he was the reason I was in this situation in the first place. The midwife then started to tell me what position I should be in to give birth in the most comfortable way possible. "The baby's coming, I can see it" she said as she saw a head appear from between my legs. "I'm gonna need you to push" she instructed and I tried "oww" I screamed in between pushes "you're doing so well" Gerard praised "oh I can see a bit more of the baby now" she said which made me a little happier but it's hard to really relax when you've got a baby coming out of you. After around half an hour of pushing the baby was finally delivered safely and successfully "what are you gonna name him?" She asked smiling "Jamie Gerard Way" Gerard said without even consulting me "what a lovely name" she smiled walking off leaving us for some time together.

"Please Gerard, if you get to pick the first name can I at least pick the the middle name?" He shook his head and I was way too tired to argue after just giving birth "it's tradition in my family for the son to have the fathers name as their middle name" I just accepted it. Even though I'd just given birth I had a feeling that this isn't gonna be my son.

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