Chapter 1: See ya then

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Y/n- your name
L/n- your last name

I shouldn't need to say this but this is just a fan fiction and not accurate depictions of these people in real life

All of MCR in this book have the look they had in 2007 however the story is not specifically set then it's just the the looks I want them to have in the story.

Thank you and enjoy x

My parents were always abusive and horrible ever since I could remember they'd always been the same, only cared about themselves and weren't bothered if they hurt others, they'd always been heavily involved in crime and all kinds of illegal 'business' I vaguely remember having an older sister when I was about five but she just disappeared after one of my parents deals went tits up. I never knew what happened to her though or maybe I just dreamt the whole thing.

I often thought about my past traumas and dreamed of one day getting a good job and escaping this hell hole. Even if the whole scenario seemed unlikely.

I was so tired from these constant thoughts that I just decided to go to sleep after all today has been a pretty long day and my parents seemed stressed.

Little did  y/n know what was been discussed in the room just below her.

In the kitchen y/n father spoke on the phone to a man by the name of Gerard Way a hardened criminal and mafia boss

"Listen here Mr Way I'm so sorry we're not gonna be able to afford that...I- I- I will pay it I promise I just need more time" y/n father, Mr l/n stuttered

However Mr Way was getting angry and impatient after all he had been waiting almost a year for this money and did not plan on waiting any longer.

"I've given you plenty of time l/n now pay up or pay with your life!" Way growled down the phone

Then a genius idea popped into Mr
l/n's head he didn't have to pay with his own life if he could pay with someone else's.

"Listen, Way, I've got a very very good deal for you" he said slyly

"It better be good!" Way boomed down the phone once again

"You can have my daughter forever do what you want with her just clear my debt please" y/n father said sounding desperate but also very pleased with himself

Y/n's mother stood on the other side of the kitchen with a giant grin on her face and putting her thumbs up to your father showing her approval.

After a few further questions Way said he'd come around to visit to check y/n out and if he liked what he saw he'd take her with him and he would agree to clear all your fathers debt.

Mr and Mrs l/n were so pleased with themselves all evening.

After organising for Gerard to come for dinner, tomorrow nights plans were finalised.

——time skip—-

For some reason all day my parents have been really excited for this business dinner and told me that I had to be there, however I can't help but think it's bit strange considering normally they want me out of the way when they have their little 'meetings'.

However today was different they wanted me to look my best and started making me get ready at four even though the dinner didn't start until seven. I got into the shower and washed my hair I wanted to take longer but my parents were really rushing me along this evening this really did confuse me because normally they don't give a shit about me. I figured it was 'business' matters so I was probably just a pawn in this.

After showering my mum ordered me to put on a short, tight, burgundy dress I don't even really wear dresses to be fair but it did look quite nice.

—-time skip—

I didn't really know what was going on but I decided not to question it and just go along with what my parents were doing I'd been alive long enough by now to know never to question them.

Then the doorbell rang

My father went to answer it "come in Mr Way and I'll show you to dining table" My father said greeting him, taking his coat and hanging it up.

Gerard just nodded and followed my dad into the dining room. And when he saw y/n he couldn't believe his luck.

A man with in a suit with longish black hair and pale skin walked in the room he was alright looking but he scared me something about him seemed off but I just couldn't put my finger on it. After entering the first thing he did was stare a me for a moment he was really scaring me now. "So you must be y/n" he smirked at me, too nervous to say anything I just nodded a mumbled out a quiet "yeah".

My mum began to serve dinner to be fair it looked and tasted pretty nice but I suppose they're trying to wow the guest I though to myself.

After everyone had finished my parents were discussing some tedious business deals that I'm pretty sure don't concern me so I just kind of zoned out because I was so bored and then I heard my name mentioned multiple time and suddenly the conversation had my full attention as I sat up and listen intently to what was being said and I heard this "so let me take your beautiful daughter out there so I can see what I'm getting into" 'Mr Way' smirked causing me to shiver at the thought of him touching me. However it wasn't a thought for long as he grabbed my wrist and I followed him looking back at my parents who looked very pleased with themselves.

He then lead me into the hallway holding onto my wrist he then let go of me after backing me into a corner "so let's take a look then?" He said as he put his cold hand on my cheek, I was uncomfortable with affection at the best of times but this made me feel sick "get off me!" I shouted but he just placed a hand over my mouth and chuckled lightly "you're not going anywhere, sugar" sugar- just that nickname made my skin crawl. "Your parents said I could have you if I clear their debt... I wasn't planning on giving in so easily but a girl like you can definitely be of use" he smirked "noo!" I tried to yell but it came out muffled with his hand over my mouth. I spat into his palm but he just laughed and wipe it allover my face.

My parents were so happy with this they just said "see ya" and Mr Way dragged me out the door by my hand "shout one more word and I will hurt you" Way threatened me through gritted teeth I decided to just go along with it because I don't know what he's capable of so I just nodded as he opened the door of his black car that had black tinted one way glass and even a driver before I could even get in he just shoved me in there. Well here goes my freedom I thought to myself. As he locked the car for a second and then walked around it and got in the other side.

I always thought I'd be glad to get away from my horrible parents but I have a bad feeling that this guy might be worse than them.

"You're all mine now" he said as he tried to take my hand but I moved it away "you make me sick" I said looking directly at him but a second later I began to regret my decision of telling him what I actually thought "don't talk to me like that" he said clenching his teeth as he whipped out a pocket knife from inside his sleeve and flipped out the blade pointing it in my direction "now hold my hand before things get...well let's just say...messy" he threatened and out of nothing other than fear I gave him my hand and he held it just tracing little circles with his fingers on it had it been someone else maybe it would've been relaxing but I don't think anything can be relaxing when done by a maniac like him.

No, Way   [Mafia Gerard Way x Female reader]Where stories live. Discover now