He is Your Secret Admirer.P1

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Zayn: Your art teacher was in the middle of explaining her next lesson when a young man with curly brown hair walked into class with a bouquet of flowers in his hands. "Miss [Y/L/N]," your teacher called, "please let your secret admirer know my class is not a delivery service. You may pick up your flowers after class." Who the hell would send you flowers? After class, you picked up your flowers off of your teacher's desk and found a note, which read, "You sure do have a way with art, but can you draw the lines to me? Love, your secret admirer." Your teacher took a seat and looked up at you as you read. "You sure do have yourself a gentleman there, Miss [Y/L/N]." You smiled, "Yeah, but I mean, who has time for this? My art is more important to me than love right now anyway." Your teacher shook her head and grabbed your hand. "Sweetheart," she began, "I definitely know in some situations love and art cannot co-exist, but for a girl like you, sometimes the heart inspires the art." "What are you saying, ma'am?" you asked in confusion. "What I am saying is your art lacks inspiration," she explained carefully, "but your art is beautiful. However, what is the story behind your art besides you being an artist? What about passion? What about love? What about Zayn?" "What does Zayn have to do with this?" you snapped quickly. Zayn was your friend from art class, but he never said much to you. "Maybe I have already said too much," your teacher said, "but honey, find Zayn and make him yours. The boy looks at you like you drew the stars in the sky. Honey, the both of you are scared to love, but you need him just as much as he needs you." You stood in front of your teacher, ready to cry, but instead you grabbed the flowers and rushed to find Zayn in the parking lot.

Louis: You opened a mysterious package and found a beautiful nautical dress, which had navy and white stripes and a red top. You gasped in its beauty as you picked up the note inside. "Dear [Y/N]," the note began, "I know you might be really scared about this, but please put this dress on and meet me at the dock at seven tonight. Love, your secret admirer." You tucked the note into your purse, curled your hair, and quickly changed into the dress obediently. You and your boyfriend Louis had just broken up because you told him you loved him, but he wasn't ready to say the same. Nevertheless, you were ready to move on. You showed up at the dock exactly at seven, but no one was to be found. What a cruel joke, you thought. You sighed and tightened the grip of your purse as you turned to walk away, but immediately, you met eyes with a familiar face. "Louis?" you questioned. He stopped and stared at you for about twenty whole seconds. "Wow," he breathed, "you look beautiful." You smiled sheepishly and wondered why he was here with you tonight. "Why me?" you asked curiously. "Because," Louis whispered, "being away from you helped me realize how in love with you I really am."

Liam: You struggled to reach for your favorite box of cereal until Liam strolled by and helped you. You looked up to him and smiled, "All done?" Liam nodded and pushed your grocery cart to the checkout line. After you paid, the cashier handed you a receipt and a bouquet of flowers. "Umm, sir, what are these for?" you asked in confusion. "A secret admirer wanted me to give you those. He told me to tell you if you wanted to find him, you have to meet him at the movie theater at seven tonight." Confused, you wordlessly walked away to find Liam. "Liam, did you hear what the cashier told me?" you exclaimed. "I have a secret admirer who wants to meet with me tonight at seven!" Liam continued pushing the grocery cart to your car. "Are you going to go?" he asked. "No, Liam," you shook your head, "we had plans. My plans with you are much more important than-" "No," Liam interjected, "go! I insist!" After Liam returned home, against your own wishes, you decided to go to the movie theater. "Are you [Y/N]?" the box office attendant asked after you waited around for a few minutes. You nodded. "Your private theater is ready for you. Please go to theater five, which will be on the left." Obediently, you entered the private theater and found a showing of your favorite movie Toy Story. "Are you ready to go infinity and beyond with me?" Liam asked as he slowly walked toward you. He laced his fingers through yours and smiled sheepishly. "I'm sorry I put you through so much trouble," he laughed, "but I had to make this special. [Y/N], will you be my girlfriend?"

Harry: You handed the little boy a cupcake and smiled as he sprinted away to his father. "Excuse me, but are you [Y/N]?" a blonde-haired postman asked in an Irish accent from the bakery entrance. You nodded and waited as he came forward with a vase of flowers. "Who is this from?" you asked, searching for a gift tag. "A secret admirer," he smiled mischievously, adjusting the mustache underneath his nose. "Do you honestly think you can hide behind that mustache, Horan?" you questioned, pulling the roses to your nose. "Aw, man," Niall groaned, "Louis said the mustache would work!" His arms flailed like a schoolboy. "Louis sent me these?" you asked. "Oh, no," Niall answered sincerely, "a certain lad who said working in this bakery was the best decision of his life because he met a beautiful woman such as yourself!" You saw a patch of brown curls peeking from behind a wall. "Hmm," you pretended to wonder, "Channing Tatum?" "Aw, come on," Harry groaned, revealing himself, "are you serious right now?" You giggled and walked around the counter to give your boyfriend a deserving kiss.

Niall: You played with the coaster on your dinner table as you waited for your boyfriend to show up tonight. Suddenly, your phone buzzed with a text from your boyfriend, which read, "Sorry, babe, Mike just called me to go to a party tonight. I will make dinner up to you!" You slammed your phone shut and waited for a waiter to serve you. You were treated like shit in your relationship, but you stuck around because you wanted to be wanted. A waiter came by and gently placed your favorite pint onto your table. "Excuse me, sir," you countered, "I never ordered this." The waiter tucked a tray under his arm and explained, "Oh, but a secret admirer ordered this one just for you." "A secret admirer?" you exclaimed. "Who?" The waiter gestured toward a blonde-haired man near the bar. "He told me to get the best beer in the house just for you. He said you looked like you were having some trouble, and whenever you were ready to talk, he would be waiting right there." You sighed and nursed the beer as the waiter watched you. "Now if you ask me," the waiter continued, "the lad wants you." And somehow, this stranger figured out what you needed most right now-to feel wanted.

=There's A Part 2

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