The Arkham Vote 4.4

969 32 10

Third Person POV

With the knowledge that the mayor of Gotham was now in danger, Jim rushed over to the Mayor's house. When he got there, he saw three police cars and not one of them had a person inside; they'd all left.

Realising he now had less time to help Mayor James, Jim ran over to the front door, his collar pulled up against the rain, and knocked loudly. The Mayor answered a few moments later.

"Detective Gordon, what's going on?" Mayor James asked.

"Sir, I think your life may be in danger. I need to get you out of here," Jim told him.

"What? No, I'm not going anywhere. I got police protection," Mayor James replied.

"They're gone," Jim said.

"What?" The Mayor asked confused, looking over at the now empty cop cars.

"I just checked. No one's out there. Sir, I think someone's coming here to kill you," Jim said, pushing the Mayor back into his house.

"I gotta get some things from my safe," The Mayor told him, as they rushed over to his office.

"Sir, we need to go. Now," Jim said, glancing out of the window as the mayor put whatever it was he was looking for into a bag.

"I'll move as fast as I can," the mayor replied.

"Is there someplace safe I can take you? Somewhere you'll be safe?" Jim asked.

"We're not going to the police station?" the mayor asked.

"I'm not sure you'll be safe there. Police..." Jim trailed off, making the mayor turn to him.

"What the hell's this town coming to?" the mayor muttered, but it seemed like he had forgotten that his life was in danger.

"Sir..." Jim warned him, wanting to get out of there as quick as possible.

"Alright. Alright. My sister's house. It's across town," the mayor suggested.

He now had his bag filled with everything that was in the safe and Jim started to lead him to the front door.

"Let's go," Jim urged him to hurry up.

However, as Jim opened the front door, he was forced to try and slam it shut straight away as the assassin was standing at the door, weapon at the ready. But no matter how much he tried to shut the door, it didn't work as he was pushed back onto the floor, knocking his gun from his hands.

The mayor, seeing all of this, started to run back up the stairs. To give him more time, Jim chucked the closest thing he could find, that being a red book, at the assassin.

"Go. Go. Go," Jim urged the mayor as he scrambled to his feet and followed the mayor up the stairs.

They went straight back up to the office and Jim slammed the door shut to put some distance between them.

"Is there another way out?" Jim asked.

"Here," the mayor offered, pointing at a hidden door on the opposite wall.

As Jim tried to pull it open, at the other door there was the loud bangs of the assassin trying to get in.

"He's trying to get in," the mayor stated the obvious. "Shoot him. Why don't you shoot him?"

"He's got my gun, I can't. Go. Go. Go," Jim replied, now having plied the door open.

The two of them ran through to the other room and Jim picked up a chair and hid behind the door, waiting for the assassin to come in.

Dangers in the DarkDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora