Bullet in the Heart 12.1

573 22 14

Holly POV

Ever since dad had returned from work the night before, yet another worry was to be added on to my list. As Ivy had fallen asleep early last night and Selina had been out and about again, I sat with dad in the kitchen while he made himself some dinner. If this had all been happening when I first moved to Gotham, dad had said that he would've kept it from me and tried to sort it all out without causing me any unnecessary worry. But after all that had happened to both of us since moving here, dad had decided it would be better if I were aware.

Earlier that evening, two of the inmates from Arkham Asylum had broken free ad were currently roaming around Gotham. Not having the slightest idea about what Jack Gruber had planned, dad was going to try and get back into the G.C.P.D in order to lend a hand, this was his case after all. But the reason dad had told me is because in some sort of lesson from Gruber to dad, he had mentioned something about seeing him again soon. Not that Gruber knew about me, dad had been quick to reassure, but he wanted me to keep an eye out for him. And as an extra precaution, dad had given me some pepper spray. Who knew when that was gonna come in handy?

Wanting to get to the G.C.P.D in time for the debriefing, dad had left at the same time that I had left for school. Except today I had left earlier than usual as we had a morning swim practice rather than after school today due to the fact that Coach Aguado had an emergency teacher's meeting after school today.

Bag on my back and pepper spray in my bag (which was not my choice, by the way, dad forced me to take it), I walked through the main Gotham Park and towards my school. The sun had only just risen over the horizon, casting a golden shine across the grass. Today was going to be a good day, I could just feel it.

And then when I saw a familiar face smiling and walking towards me from across the park, I knew that I had been right with my prediction.

"The more you take, the more you leave behind. What am I?" the familiar face asked, coming to a halt in front of me.

They had a small red bag in their hands, which were grasped tightly around the edges of it as though scared of losing it.

"Footsteps," I answered confidently.

"Correct." The person gave me a wide smile before offering a quick, but welcome hug. "Good morning, little Gordon," Ed smiled. "The precinct has been boring without you."

"I seriously doubt that," I replied, but a smile graced my face anyway. "But it's really great to see you, Ed. It feels like it's been ages since I last saw you."

"That's because it has been," Ed said.

"How did you know where to find me?" I asked.

"I remembered you saying that this is the way you took to get to school," Ed answered. "And I know you left early but I couldn't remember what time you said you left so I've been sitting on that bench over there since seven this morning." I noticed that his hands were fidgeting, as if itching to open the bag and show me what was inside of it. As if noticing my gaze on the bag, Ed opened it and took out a white paper box. "This is why I needed your help, little Gordon."

"Ok, shoot," I replied, edging him to elaborate.

"So do you remember how a while back you gave me the recipe for the red velvet cakes?" Ed asked to which I nodded. "Well, I think I've finally perfected them. Do you want to try one?"

Knowing I had swim practice in less than half an hour, I agreed but made Ed aware that I would only be able to have a small bite. But just that one bite was enough to tell me everything I needed to know... Ed was one hell of a baker. It was quite honestly one of the best cakes I had eaten in... well, in forever.

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