The Differences Between Us 20.3

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TW: attempted suicide during second third person POV

Holly POV
Barbara's Penthouse

Despite Barbara's feeble objections, in the background of our afternoon activities – that included me learning about every second of Barbara's life since leaving Gotham – I had put the news on, knowing that dad was going to be on it at some point. Like I had predicted, my dad had pretty much challenged the Ogre guy to come after him and since the Ogre didn't know about Barbara, I was glad to be here. It felt normal being back in this building surrounded by the life we had shared before it all went to shit.

Even as I sat on the window seat with my legs taking up the entirety of it in the main hall, I couldn't help but feel at peace here.

"What are those for?" Selina asked as she walked into the main room where Barbara had spread out all of her outfits for this evening.

Selina had arrived about an hour after I had, and it was clear that she had known Barbara was back. I may have been marginally mad at her for not telling me sooner, but it wasn't up to Selina to tell me. It was up to Barbara, and she chose not to so I presumed that Selina, despite her many flaws, was just keeping her secret as a good friend would.

She had been in a bit of a state when she arrived, knowing that we were going to be attending some prestigious event in a matter of hours and the best clothes she had were the ones already on her back.

"The Wayne Charity Ball," Barbara answered, holding up one of the dresses and holding it up against herself. "It's boring but good for the gallery's business."

"Well, we'll probably see you there," Selina said, lifting my legs off the seat so she could sit down before she dropped my legs back on her lap and watched Barbara closely.

Selina had barely got comfy before there was a knock at the door. Instantly, my heart dropped to my stomach as my mind went back to the man in the woods. Had he found me here? I knew that it was a ridiculous thought cause the guy wasn't likely to just knock on the door but what if he was tricking us?

Before I could stop her, Selina made her way over to the door and flung it open.

"Delivery for Holly Gordon and Selina Kyle," a man's voice said from the door. Barbara looked over to me in confusion, her eyebrows shooting up into her hairline as I got up from my seat.

"Holly?" Selina called me through to the hall. I had barely taken a few steps before three men in matching baby blue suits, arms full of bags and large fancy boxes, walked in any put said boxes and bags into a pile in the middle of the floor as Selina had instructed them to do.

"Thank you. Enjoy," the man with long dark hair said, bowing his head briefly to us.

The three men then left us in silence, staring at the deliveries in complete shock.

"I don't understand," Barbara muttered, peering into the closest bag.

"Bruce," Selina and I answered at the same time to which Barbara's nodded in understanding.

Reaching into one of the bags, Selina withdrew a pair of black and gold heels that made my eyes widen.

"Are we really supposed to wear these?" Selina stared at me in disgust.

"One of us will definitely end up in the hospital by the end of the night if we do," I replied, taking at a pair of red heels that were too many inches tall.

"Okay. We have a lot of work to do," Barbara sighed, taking the shoes from me and Selina. "Get as much of it as you can and follow me."

Considering it had barely been 24 hours since Reggie's death, I was surprised to see that Selina looked more terrified of the heels than she did of the police finding out about Reggie.

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