It Was Not a Date! 13.2

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Third Person POV

Round and round and round the wheels of Alfred's black car went as they passed through the dingy grey walls of Gotham. Everything seemed to be blurring into one as the smoke flew up from the abandoned buildings of the deserted Narrows Street. Rain was pouring down by the galleons onto the unfortunate citizens of this neglected sector of the city.

"I do believe this is the second time we've been around this block, Master Bruce," Alfred commented, glancing back in the mirror to see the young Wayne boy peering out of the windows.

"Selina likes to hang out here. It's worth doubling back," Bruce replied, hoping that he would be able to spot his old friend somewhere out on the streets. Glancing over at Alfred, Bruce narrowed his eyes slightly. "Besides you got what you wanted. I went out of town like you asked. For weeks."

"Yeah, well..." Alfred sighed. "It wasn't safe here, was it?"

"The assassins weren't after me," Bruce reminded him. "They were after her. Holly and I were safe, you know that."

"Yeah and we'll be back on that plane, straight back to the bloody Alps first sign of trouble, I'll tell you," Alfred warned him, pulling over to the side of the road when he noticed Bruce's hand itching on the door handle.

The second that the car had been pulled over, Bruce practically jumped out of the car, a small brown bag filled with the things Selina had stolen and returned to him before he left, encased in his hands.

"Master Bruce," Alfred called out to him, rushing out of the car and after the young boy. "Master Bruce, get back in the car now."

"Can we walk around the block just once?" Bruce asked, turning to face his guardian who was now stopping just behind him, an umbrella in hand. "Then I'll get back in the car. Please, Alfred."

"Once around the block and then we'll drop off Miss Gordon's coat and go home," Alfred agreed.

"Thank you," Bruce smiled.

The two of them started to walk down the busy streets and Alfred couldn't resist the urge to comment on their current situation.

"Go risking your life like that, to get whipped into a frenzy by the females," Alfred said. "Why do you wanna start now?"

"It's not like that," Bruce defended.

"Out of my way," a familiar voice said, shoving passed Alfred and Bruce, the former looking at the child in disapproval.

"Ivy?" Bruce called out.

The familiar red-haired girl turned to see who had said her name, her face immediately lighting up in recognition as she looked at Bruce.

"Steady, Master Bruce. Looks like she's got the mange," Alfred said.

"Look who it is, Billionaire Bruce Wayne," Ivy taunted with a mischievous smile. "Who are you? His bodyguard?"

"If needs be, miss, yes," Alfred answered, making Ivy suppress a smirk before she looked down at the bag in Bruce's hands.

"What's in the bag?" Ivy asked.

"It's for Selina," Bruce told her. "Have you seen her?"

"Sure. I can give it to her if you want," Ivy offered.

"Perhaps you could pass on a message for me?" Bruce requested. Ivy didn't reply so Bruce took that as a good sign. "Tell her I'm looking for her?"

"Twenty bucks," Ivy replied, holding out her hand.

Alfred went to make some comment to the young girl but before he could Bruce requested he handed her the twenty bucks.

"Twenty bucks," Alfred muttered under his breath, handing the umbrella to Bruce, and taking out his wallet. "There we are, miss."

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