Funkytown and Muffins 7.4

870 26 6

Third Person POV

After leaving Wayne Manor, Jim returned to Barbara's penthouse for the first time since they had left. It was strange seeing it so quiet. There was no Barbara rushing around on the phone to work, no Holly watching and talking along to the Harry Potter films or chatting on the phone with Bruce or a girl from school that Jim had yet to meet, if she even existed.

Jim tried to push the sadness aside as he started getting all of his guns and weapons out ready to take down as many criminals as he could before he was inevitably caught up to by Falcone's men. After loading up a handgun and a shot gun, there was a knock at the door.

At first Jim rested his hand on his gun, half expecting it to be that Victor Zsasz again but the body behind the voice soon made themselves known.

"Jimbo, it's me. Open up," Bullock called through and even from here Jim could tell that he had been drinking.

Immediately, Jim went over to the door and opened it up. But rather than just revealing Harvey, like Jim had been expecting, there was a woman with him.

"Hey," Jim said, glancing at the woman, who had Harvey's arm wrapped around her shoulders. In his other hand Harvey was holding a flask that Jim wouldn't have been surprised if it had been empty.

"Don't worry. I'm not gonna kill you," Harvey assured him as he and the woman walked into the room, Jim shutting the door behind them. "I should, but I ain't."

"Glad to hear it," Jim replied.

"Obviously, you figured you'd go to the last place they'd look... because it'd be the first place they'd reject as being too obvious," Harvey slurred, stumbling around slightly. He then saw the look on Jim's face. "Sorry, I'm being rude. This is the Duchess of Devonshire. Duchess, Jim Gordon, putz."

"Marsha, hi," the woman chuckled, giving Jim a wave.

"Hi," Jim replied, glancing down at his feet.

"Baby, why don't you explore a little bit?" Harvey suggested to Marsha. "Find the bedroom. Put on your birthday suit and I'll find you in a jiffy, okay?" Harvey kissed Marsha who then left to go and find an empty room. "So I've been thinking, you're still a douche bag. But you have the moral high ground. So I'm gonna back your play, whatever it is. I figure I'm doomed anyhow. I might as well join the good guys."

"Thank you," Jim nodded, slightly surprised Harvey was here to help him and not kill him on the spot.

"So what is your play? You got one, right? You said you did," Harvey reminded him.

"Tomorrow morning, I'm arresting Falcone and the mayor for framing Mario Pepper," Jim answered bluntly. "For conspiracy, P.O.J, RICO, the works."

"Wow, that's a hell of a plan," Harvey chuckled hysterically, making Jim smile back at his reaction. "You sit down with chimpanzees and a bucket of crack and come up with that one?"

"Whatever else happens, we'll stir things up. We might even make the papers," Jim joked.

"Oh, we'll make the papers alright. We'll be dead in the streets in time for the evening edition," Harvey agreed.

"But at least the people will know the truth. We'll go out doing our jobs. Enforcing the law," Jim said.

"That's the best inspirational speech you got? Doing our jobs?" Harvey asked, taking another swig of his drink.

"You don't have to join me," Jim reminded him.

"No, I'm game," Harvey assured him. "Like I said, I'm doomed anyhow." Harvey hesitated before he cleared his throat and glanced over at the staircase that once led to Holly's room. "Did you get her out of the city?"

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