The Balloonman's Next Target 3.2

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Third Person POV

So today wasn't exactly Jim Gordon's day. First he has to try to solve that mysterious balloon killer and now he had lost Cat. She had tricked him into going down into the sewers to find a wallet that could prove she was there the night of the Wayne murders. He had handcuffed her to a nearby railing but somehow she had got out of it and ran from him.

Now he had to be the one to call the services and tell them of what happened.

"Yeah, Detective James Gordon," Jim repeated for the third time on the phone, while he tried to wipe some of the stuff off his shoes with Harvey's tissues. "One of your counsellors brought me a girl this morning and I signed for custody. That's what I'm saying, I can't bring her back, she got away. Yeah? Well, I'm not too happy about it, either."

He hung up the phone and just as he thought his day couldn't get any worse, Allen and Montoya walked over to his desk making him internally groan.

"On edge, Gordon?" Allen asked.

"I'm fine. How can I help you?" Jim asked.

"We were just, uh, wondering... when you shot Cobblepot in the head and dumped his body in the river... did Falcone pay you?" Montoya asked, somewhat casually. "Or was that more of a 'favour to the don' type of thing?"

"Whatever you heard, it's not true," Jim told them.

"Oh, so you mean you didn't kill Cobblepot? Or you didn't do it for Falcone?" Allen asked.

"We thought we'd give you a chance to tell us the truth. Cop to cop," Montoya said.

"You're not listening. I didn't kill him," Jim repeated.

"Okay, so where were you on the night of September the 17th?" Allen asked.

Jim considered using Holly as an alibi because he knew she would do anything for him but then he decided that he wasn't going to drag her into this mess.

"Are you really asking me this?" Jim countered. "Since when did Major Crimes become IA?"

"When cops started doing hits for the mob," Montoya said.

"Yeah? Then come back to me when you have actual proof. Until then, don't waste my time," Jim told them before beginning to walk away.

"Hey, Gordon, piece of advice. Take a shower. Because you stink like a sewer," Allen called after him, as Jim continued walking away.


Jim went to stand on the second floor and look over at everyone working to calm himself after Montoya and Allen's interrogation. Harvey came up to join him not long after talking to some other people.

"There you are. We got the owner of a balloon factory downstairs. Says he's got something for us," Harvey told him.

"Montoya and Allen came by," Jim said in a lowered voice. "They accused me of killing Cobblepot."

"Damn," Harvey muttered.

"Somebody must've talked," Jim guessed.

"Doesn't matter. The fact they're here means they got nothing and they're gonna get nothing. End of the day, no one cares about Cobblepot," Harvey reminded him.

"Because he deserved it? Like Danzer?" Jim asked.

"Don't make this into something bigger. You did what you had to do, and yes, he probably did deserve it, he worked for Fish. She doesn't employ altar boys," Harvey said.

"What about Mario Pepper? He deserve what he got?" Jim asked.

"Hell, yes. He was a dirtbag for trying to shoot you. Remember? I thought we were done talking about this," Harvey commented.

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