Identity Theft 4.3

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Third Person POV

It had crossed her mind before but she had tried to push it aside for Barbara's sake; she couldn't do it anymore. Renee Montoya was sat at her desk at the MCU precinct thinking over the possibility that Holly Gordon was covering for her dad. The cop had a feeling that Holly had in fact known all along that Jim had killed Cobblepot and was now protecting him by playing the innocent kid.

"We'll catch him," Allen assured Montoya, noticing her thinking face.

"I know," She nodded before leaning in on her seat. "What if he had help?"

"Who? Harvey?" Allen asked.

"No. What if his daughter knows something?" Montoya asked.

Allen looked at her for a moment before laughing.

"What? What's so funny?" Montoya challenged him.

Seeing the serious look on her face, Allen stopped laughing and looked at her with a raised eyebrow.

"You can't be serious," Allen said.

"Why not? You've seen how close Gordon is with her. I'd bet anything he's told her all about it," Montoya insisted.

"Clearly you know nothing about parenting," Allen said.

"And you do?" Montoya asked doubtfully.

"I doubt Gordon would involve his kid in something as dangerous and gruesome as this. He'd be more likely to try to hide it from her," Allen told her.

"No..." Montoya muttered still suspicious. "The kid knows something, and we're gonna find out what."


Holly POV

Another day of school had begun. I swear it never ends. Luckily, though, Tanya was back in today. At least that would make the day more bearable.

When she saw me that morning, Tanya came running over to me with a massive smile on her face.

"I cannot believe you!" Tanya exclaimed.

"Believe what?" I asked confused.

"You wait until I'm not here to stand up to Anastasia!" Tanya explained.

"Oh, that. You didn't miss much," I shrugged.

"Didn't miss much?" Tanya repeated. "Not from what I've heard. You put the bitch in her place."

"Ok, maybe I did," I finally agreed with a sly smile.

"Hell yeah, you did," Tanya laughed, raising her hand for a high five. "Come on, don't leave me hanging."

I smiled at her before raising my own hand and slapping it against hers. Just behind Tanya's head I noticed Anastasia glaring over at us. I nudged Tanya, who turned to look behind her. Realising she was caught, Anastasia turned away and Tanya and I burst out laughing.


Third Person POV

Back at his desk, Jim was tapping the sheet of paper with 'CLM' on, hoping to figure out what it meant. But after twenty minutes of this, he was starting to get a headache from staring at it for so long. And what Harvey was about to tell him probably wasn't going to help.

"He's dead," Harvey told him bluntly, walking over to his desk.

"Who?" Jim asked, even more confused than he already was.

"Richard Gladwell," Harvey answered, sitting down. "At least, the real one. Sent some unis by his apartment, found a mouldy corpse sealed inside. Puncture wound through the eye. Been dead five years."

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