A Large Dose of Reality 13.4

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Third Person POV

Being a lone child came with its advantages and disadvantages, Bruce found. He was never interrupted when doing his schoolwork or whatever he decided to do that day, apart from Alfred but he would knock and wait for permission to enter, he had full rights over the television and he got to decide what they got to eat for dinner. But being alone meant Bruce often found himself playing his games by himself, wishing that someone would interrupt him and just barge into his room. It wasn't even like Alfred could join him with his games as he was often doing all his butler duties. And today's issue was Bruce trying to beat himself at chess by playing as both black and white pieces. It was a tight game at the moment. Anyone could come away victorious.

Just as Bruce moved the black knight to take one of the white pawns, the curtains of an open doorway across the room started to sway as a certain street kid walked in, smirking at the sight of Bruce.

"What kind of weirdo plays chess with himself?" Selina asked. Bruce looked up from his chessboard, a smile forming on his face when he saw Selina standing there. Ivy had actually delivered his message to her, something that he had been worried she wouldn't do. "Don't you have a butler to do that kind of stuff with you?"

"He's making dinner," Bruce answered.

"Holly gave me your message," Selina told him, making Bruce's face tilt in confusion.

"Holly? How did she know?" Bruce asked.

"Ivy told her to tell me," Selina shrugged.

"Well, I'm glad your safe," Bruce said. "Alfred made me go out of town. Switzerland. We have a house there. Chalet, I guess."

"A chalet?" Selina repeated in confusion.

"It's basically a house," Bruce told her.

"Why did you want to see me?" Selina asked, hoping that the reason behind her visit wasn't just to talk about all of the benefits of being rich.

"We're friends, aren't we?" Bruce replied with a smile.

Selina paused for a moment, thinking back to her conversation with Holly. And though Holly had said some things that Selina did silently agree with, she knew that she had to do this for Bruce's safety.

"You've been driving around looking for me, sending messages. What's up?" Selina asked.

Bruce walked over to a cabinet on the side of the room and picked up the small brown paper bag that he had shown Ivy earlier before he walked back towards Selina.

"I got you a present," Bruce told her. Selina opened it to reveal a little snow globe that she immediately began to shake up. "It looks like the town we stayed in."

"Whoa. Thank you," Selina said.

"Also, I wanted to know if, um—if you wanted to stay here in my house," Bruce said.

"Why?" Selina asked.

"Well, I spoke to Holly and she actually suggested it. Said we could help each other out. You can help me find the man who killed my parents and I can give you a better place to live," Bruce answered.

"What's better about it?" Selina questioned, the playfulness on her face falling. "Listen, kid. Chill. I came here to tell you to stop hassling me." She shoved the globe back into Bruce's hands whose face had fell serious.

"Hassling you?" Bruce repeated.

"Yeah. You're beginning to bug me," Selina told him.

"I thought we were friends," Bruce admitted.

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