I Am Safe 10.2

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Lungs burning and legs aching, I was thankful when Selina finally decided it was safe for us to walk the rest of the way to the city. That being said, we weren't going to have the chance for a break as even though we were walking the rest of the way rather than running, Selina looked like she was on a mission making us fall behind slightly. But after what felt like at least an hour of walking, we arrived at the edge of the river that separated Gotham City from the rest of the world.

"We need to call Alfred," Bruce said, breaking the silence that had fallen over us all. "Or Detective Gordon."

"You see any phones?" Selina countered.

"No," Bruce sighed.

With the extreme rush we had been in beforehand, neither Bruce nor I had had time to pick one up.

"Perhaps we should go back to the house. Dad and I'm sure some other police will be there, then we'll be safe," I spoke up.

"Yeah, right. The police will make it safe? If you wanna go back and find out, be my guest," Selina responded.

"No. We mustn't split up. We'll be safer together," I shook my head.

"Maybe Holly's right, Selina. We have to contact the police at some point," Bruce said. "I mean, someone did try to kill you."

"Me? Nobody knew I was there. It's your house. Someone wants to kill you. Duh," Selina countered.

"Why would anyone want to kill me?" Bruce asked.

"Must be all that lame detective work you're doing. They could be after you as well, Holly. Maybe they found out you were helping him," Selina shrugged. "Paid off good, huh?" Neither one of us responded as I looked out over the river, watching as a small boat sailed passed us. "Hey, cheer up. We're cool. We lost them."

"I'm worried about Alfred," Bruce admitted.

"Relax. Once I got you two safely hidden in the city, I'll find you a phone. Then you can call your butler or Detective Gordon," Selina assured us.

"Thank you," Bruce said. "I appreciate your help."

"Hey. Just trying to be nice," Selina shrugged with a small smirk before linking her arm with mine again and pulling me along after her. "Smile, Holly. You're safe now. No one's gonna hurt you."

"I know," I muttered, letting out a shaky breath. "It's just... what if it's me they're after?"

"Why would you think that?" Selina asked.

"What if Falcone changed his mind about what happened before? What if he sent those assassins after me, knowing my dad would get involved and then he's going to kill him?" I rambled quickly. "I don't want to go through that all again. I don't know if I can go through it all again. Those men... Zsasz. What if he's following us? What if this was his plan all along?"

"Holly," Selina said, stopping our walking and placing a hand on each of my shoulders. "You are safe. Falcone is not behind this and even if he is, nothing is going to happen to you. You needn't be scared of them because I won't let them hurt you. And anyway, if they come for us while we're crossing the river, at least Bruce has had practice holding his breath under water. That will definitely scare them off." I let out a small chuckle as Bruce looked at Selina in offence.


"My point is... Screw Falcone and Zsasz. Right now we are free in the city. And I know this city inside and out. You are safe," Selina repeated. "Repeat it." I just stared at her, shaking my head. "Repeat after me, I am safe."

"I am safe," I repeated quietly.

"Louder," Selina insisted.

"I am safe," I said a little louder.

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