Taking Down the Copy-Goat 6.4

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Third Person POV

As the credits of '10 Things I Hate about You' rolled down the screen, Barbara bit her lip, deep in thought. Her eyes wondered over to the peacefully sleeping form of Holly who had fallen asleep just as Kat and Patrick fought on her doorstep. She considered her options for a few moments and as Holly shifted around slightly, Barbara got to her feet and found a blanket to lay on her.

With there being no chance of Holly waking up anytime soon considering it was 2:30am on a Tuesday morning, Barbara grabbed her coat wrote Holly a quick note, just in case she did wake up, and locked her front door. She double checked that it was locked before she made her way down to the MCU precinct.

The building itself was much more grand than the G.C.P.D. It had large white pillars holding up its tremulous structure and steps upon steps leading to the large glass panelled doors.

She wrapped her coat around herself and waited outside of the precinct, and sooner than she had expected, Renee Montoya walked out of the doors. When the blonde saw the brunette, she rushed over to her.

"Renee, we have to talk," Barbara said.

"What are you doing here?" Renee asked when she saw her approaching.

"I know you think he's done terrible things, but I also know you care about the truth," Barbara said, as she came to a stop in front of Renee.

"You shouldn't be here. You shouldn't be seen here," Renee told her, turning to walk away but Barbara was quick to act and grabbed a hold of her wrist, turning her back around.

"Damn it, Renee, will you listen to me? Look, I'll work with you, okay? I will tell you whatever I know, whatever I can find out. I need you to keep an open mind, okay?" Barbara requested.

"It's too late for that," Montoya replied.

"Whatever's happening, you've got it wrong, Renee," Barbara told her. "He can't tell me, but it isn't what you think. He's trying to protect me and Holly. He won't tell me who's out there, who he's afraid of."

"He's right not to," Montoya said bluntly, once again, turning away but Barbara continued chasing after her.

"Wait, why?" Barbara asked.

"Because it'll get you killed, okay?" Renee snapped, turning back around to face her. "You understand? What he knows, who he knows, will kill you." Barbara fell silent and Montoya took that chance to break the news to her. "We got a judge issuing a warrant tonight. Barbara, you know how much I care about you. When Gordon gets arrested, get out of here."

"If Jim gets arrested, then this is exactly where I have to be, by his side. And anyway, you can't expect me to just abandon them. If Jim gets arrested, Holly will need me and I will not leave her," Barbara argued.

"Well, you won't need to worry about Holly either," Montoya said, making Barbara look at her in confusion. "Holly is going to be going under investigation for covering for Jim due to her misplaced loyalty in him. He's her dad, I wouldn't expect any less but she is covering for him for a murder, Barbara. When it is found that Holly has been protecting Jim, she will be sent to Juvie for some time."

Barbara was left in silence at this revelation and her jaw was twitching slightly with anger at her. Predicting that Barbara was done talking, Montoya started to walk away. But Barbara was not done.

"You know what Renee?" Barbara yelled after Renee, who continued walking away. "You're sick, you know that?! Sick!"

Montoya finally looked back at her.

"Get out of Gotham, Barbara," She said before finally walking away.

In complete denial over what had just happened, Barbara wrapped her coat around herself tightly and rushed back home to her penthouse. What could she do? There was no stopping Montoya now her mind had been made up so now all Barbara could think about was how could she get Holly and Jim away from Gotham?

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