Doubts of Faith 17.4

468 19 16

Holly POV

Wayne Manor

Finishing that game was completely pointless. I thrashed Bruce so hard that he had sworn to never play Uno with me ever again. I'd find a way to get him to play again and maybe next time I wouldn't go so easy on him. But as we packed the cards back into the container, the sound of the front door slamming shut caught both of our attention.

I quickly got up and peered out the window. Through the heavy rainfall, I was able to make out a figure of a person running down the driveway and as a flash of lightning streaked the dark sky I saw that it was Reggie. Why was he running?

Bruce joined my side and also stared at Reggie who was running away with what appeared to be a large bag. Something didn't feel right about any of this. I looked over at Bruce and as soon as our eyes connected I knew what we were about to do.

Running away from the window, we bound down the stairs three at a time, not caring if we landed wrong but something must have happened for Reggie to be running the way he was.

"I'll check the kitchen, Alfred might be still tidying up," Bruce said. "You check the front of the house."

"Got it," I replied, turning in the opposite direction of Bruce.

I first went into the study but there was no one there. Nor was there someone in the second living room where we had first met Reggie. But as I made my way towards the main living room I could immediately see a couple of knocked over pieces of furniture. Oh, this wasn't going to be good.

"Bruce!" I called through to the kitchen and it only took a few seconds before I heard footsteps heading my way.

Temptation got the better of me and I moved further into the room, almost collapsing to the floor due to the scene in front of me.

"Oh, my God," I gasped, trying to push past my shock and run over to Alfred's side. "Bruce, quickly!"

Alfred's white shirt was stained a deep red and it was still getting darker and the blood patch larger as he continued to bleed out. It was definitely a stab wound; I could see the distinctive tearing in the fabric. Bruce soon fell down at my side, pressing his hands down on the wound and that was what brought me out of my trancelike state.

I quickly took off my jumper and handed it to Bruce who didn't hesitate using it to try and stop the blood flow and then I scrambled over to the phone on the table and dialled 911. It rang for a few seconds before a voice finally responded down the end.

"911, what is the address of your emergency?" a male voice said.

"I need an ambulance. I'm at the Wayne Manor at 1313 Mockingbird Lane, Bristol County," I told the man, trying to stay calm so that he could understand me.

"What is your emergency?" the man answered.

"It's my friend. He's been stabbed," I said, my hands shaking as I turned back to look at Alfred.

"Try to stay calm for me, please, miss. Can you tell me more about the severity of his condition and what your name is?" the man asked, his voice calm and in an odd way, it calmed me a little.

"My name's Holly Gordon and my friend's still conscious but barely. I don't know how deep the wound is, sir but it's in his abdomen and there's—there's a lot of blood and I don't know how long he's been here but it can't have been too long. My friend is trying to stop the bleeding but—" I took in a deep breath to try and calm myself as I felt my panic rising again "—but it's not doing much. There's just blood everywhere."

"Okay. Tell your friend to keep that pressure on the wound, alright? I have an ambulance on the way right now. Can you give me an exact location so they can find you easier when they arrive?" the man requested.

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