Off Limits 18.2

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In a city like Gotham, it is difficult to find someone you can fully trust, someone who won't sell your issues to the papers for a couple of dollars. So Harvey's betrayal was even more hurtful to Jim as he was one of the only people in the city that he could trust. Instead, Jim now had to turn to someone else to help him solve his issue with Arnold Flass. There was no way in hell Jim would rest until the bastard was where he deserved to be ... locked up in a cell for the rest of eternity.

Leaning back in his seat in the diner that Dent had agreed to meet Jim at, the former crossed his arms as he listened to Jim explain the problem.

"So Loeb has been collecting dirt on all the cops for years so that he can have full control over the department," Dent summarised.

"I doubt it stops there," Jim muttered feeling completely dejected after seeing Flass free from the cells this morning. "He's probably got leverage on businessmen, politicians."

Jim was silent as he narrowed his eyes slightly at Dent, who was quick to realise the sudden suspicion.

"He's got nothing on me," Dent reassured him.

"Just checking," Jim smiled weakly. "Anyway, yeah, that's the source of all his power."

"And you wanna steal the dragon's gold," Dent realised, picking up his steaming mug of coffee and sniffing at it before wrinkling his nose and putting it back down.

"If we find his cache of evidence and destroy it, he'll be toothless," Jim said and Dent nodded in agreement.

"Well, I know Loeb. He won't keep it somewhere obvious," Dent said. "We could watch him, hope he leads us to it."

"We don't have that kind of time," Jim interrupted his line of thought. "Isn't there someone Loeb might have trusted? Ex-friends, an estranged wife."

"No. Well, he was married. She died 20 years ago. Fell down the stairs," Dent told Jim. "There were rumours that Loeb killed her, but nothing ever happened with it." Both men fell silent for a few seconds before Dent sighed deeply. "I still can't believe about your partner. Why'd he do it? What's Loeb have on him?"

"I don't know," Jim admitted. Sure he knew that Harvey had killed someone for Falcone but that was about it. There must have been more to it than just that but no other details were spared to him when he confronted Harvey earlier.

"Well, it's gotta be rough. You know, I know how it is with cops and their partners," Dent said and after a moment, another realisation crossed his mind.

"What is it?" Jim asked when he noticed the smile growing on Dent's face.

Without verbally answering Jim, Dent slapped his hand onto the table in excitement before he grabbed his coat, chucked a couple of dollars onto the table and left the diner. Jim stared after him in confusion as he took his own coat from beside him and followed after the eager District Attorney. Why did people always struggle to share their findings with Jim?


Holly POV

Gotham Hospital

With my snacks from the vending machine already eaten by Bruce and myself, much to Alfred's dismay, Bruce had finally dozed off in his chair, his chin resting on his hand in a position that really couldn't be that comfortable. I guess he had finally let his exhaustion take over when he saw that the drugs the doctors had given to Alfred to numb some of the pain had taken over and he had also fallen back asleep.

I got up from my seat and went over to the corner of the room where the nurses had left us a couple of blankets and pillows if we needed them as Bruce had pretty much informed them straight away that we would not be leaving until Alfred was completely healed. We were probably only allowed to stay cause Bruce didn't really have anywhere else to go and with Alfred being his legal guardian, they may have taken pity on him.

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