With the Game 1.5

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It worried me that as soon as Dad found the Wayne's killer he went missing. Yes, missing. At the time, I did believe Bullock when he said that dad was out on a stake-out, but now, I'm not so sure he even knew where dad is.

After school, I returned to the G.C.P.D and looked around for either my dad or Harvey. But neither were there. Apparently, Harvey never returned after I spoke with him earlier.


Third Person POV

After being rescued by Don Falcone, Jim followed him out to talk to him.

"It's good to meet you at last, James," Falcone began as they walked into an empty room. "I knew your father very well. The best DA this city ever had. He and I understood each other. There was respect. Friendship, even."

"Friendship?" Jim asked confused.

"Trust me, that's the only reason you're alive now. Blood doesn't lie. I know that when you leave here, you'll do the right thing."

"I will. I'll tell what I know."

"Which is what?"

"I know that you own the police department, probably the mayor too. And I was pretty sure that you had the Waynes killed. But if you did, you wouldn't risk letting me live, would you? Then again, how did Fish Mooney come to have Martha Wayne's necklace? A replica?"


"But if you didn't have them killed, why frame Mario Pepper? Or are you covering up for somebody else?"

"Who knows who killed the Waynes. Some lowlife. We needed a culprit before the funeral. Pepper was sacrificed so that the people of Gotham would see swift justice done. So they can feel safe and secure."

"And that matters so much to you."

"Of course. I'm a business man. You can't have organised crime without law and order. I love this city, and I see it going to hell. But I won't let it fall apart without a fight."

"You make a life of crime sound very noble," Jim scoffed.

"You have a hard head, James, just like your father. Don't be self-righteous. Don't be arrogant."

"You want me to keep quite about all of this."

"Gotham is on a knife edge. What do you suppose bringing down city hall and the police force will do? Even if you could. Would it make things better?" Falcone asked, leaving Jim silent.

He looked at Jim for a minute before turning away and leaving the room.

When Jim finally left, Harvey was outside in his car, waiting for him. They drove in silence until Harvey decided to break it.

"She was worried about you, you know?" Harvey said. Jim looked over at him in confusion so Harvey carried on. "Holly. She came to the G.C.P.D looking for you. Asked where you were." Jim remained silent cause he didn't know what to say; he hadn't stopped once to think about if Holly or Barbara would be worrying. "You can't do this to her again. At least tell her where you're going. If I hadn't known exactly where to find you, you'd be dead and your daughter would be left fatherless."

"I couldn't tell her or Barbara. If they knew this all then they'd be in danger. It's best if they don't know."

They both fell back into silence as Harvey drove them to the docks.

"Lookit, Jim," Harvey began.

"I'm listening," Jim answered, looking straight ahead of him.

"I wasn't being honest with you. But you weren't ready for the truth," Harvey defended.

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