A Lesson on Balloons 3.3

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Third Person POV

Jim had every right to be worried about Harvey's methods of interrogating someone. Cause that morning was spent with Harvey beating people, flirting with people, and harassing them to try and find anything of any use.

Harvey had just gone over to talk to a man at the burger place but when he was done he walked away from Jim with his back to him. So, Jim quickly walked after Harvey.

"Hey! Hey, Yo. What did he tell you?" Jim asked when he caught up with him.

"Nothing. I was just hungry," Harvey replied before taking a bite into the wrap he's brought. Jim rolled his eyes and Harvey's lack of work.


Harvey, who had accidentally forgot to tell Jim everything the others had told him, was now leading Jim up to the top of a block of flats.

"Our suspect had a prior for soliciting two years ago, right? So, one of my girls said he looked familiar, remembered he liked big, brawny types. She pointed me to that pimp, that guy who specialised in that. He remembered..." Harvey explained but Jim interrupted him.

"After you roughed him up a little."

"...that he used to do deliveries for this, uh, dry cleaner, Mr. Chang... he remembered the guy, on top of everything else, was a mahjong not. He was into these Chinese bookies for five grand," Harvey finished explaining.

"And they sent you here?" Jim asked.

"By way of bike messengers, a guy that runs some pickpockets on the south side... and a pot sticker joint the guy apparently loves," Harvey lowered his voice as they stopped outside the door they wanted. Harvey knocked on the door. "Dragon Palace."

"We didn't order any—" a woman began when she opened the door.

"Carl Smikers?" Harvey interrupted her.

She looked over to her left before her eyes widened.

"Run!" She yelled to Carl.

She tried to shut the door on them but Jim was quicker as he barged his way through and ran for Carl.

"G.C.P.D! You're under arrest!" Harvey told them both before getting flung onto the sofa by the woman.

While trying to run, Carl tripped on the mattress that was on the floor and fell onto it making it easier for Jim to handcuff him up. In the background of all this, Harvey was getting a beating from the woman who was chucking him all around the place as if he were nothing more than a rag doll.

"Don't move!" Harvey tried to sound authoritative, but just ended up being flung behind the sofa.

"Don't move," Jim said calmly to Carl once he was handcuffed up.

"Jim, a little help!" Harvey called over.

Jim quickly got up and took out his gun and pointed it at the woman.

"Put it down!" Jim yelled at her. She had managed to pick up a microwave or something and looked like she had intended to either drop it on or chuck it at Harvey. "Put it down now!"

With some hesitation, she dropped the microwave onto the sofa and stood glaring daggers at Jim. She raised her hands in surrender just as Harvey regained his feet and stood up. Harvey, with a quick glance at Jim, then punched the woman, knocking her out. Once again, Jim rolled his eyes at Harvey's unnecessary violence.


Holly POV

It was almost lunchtime now and Barbara had returned from her meeting. She had gone straight up to the shower as something was clearly bothering her.

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