Exoneration of a Murderer 18.1

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Hi everyone. I'm back!! My exams are all over now so I'm going to try and return to regular updates. Just a little heads up, the next couple chapters might not be my usual standards and I've fallen out of practice with my writing so they may not be that great. Anyway ... back to the story ...

Holly POV

Gotham Hospital

Listening to the steady heartbeat of Alfred was a comforting sound to hear, even as I could see him sitting awake in his bed, it was nice to hear he sounded more normal than he looked. I'd only known Alfred for little less than a year now yet it killed me to see him looking so ... so hopeless in his little hospital gown. I dreaded to know how awful Bruce would be feeling right about now but from the look on his face that had become a permanent fixture over the last 24 hours, I had a feeling it was about ten times worse than what I was feeling.

Dad had stayed at the hospital with us over the night and had taken it as his liberty to try and locate some at least semi-edible food but in a hospital that was easier said than done; good thing dad loved a challenge. About twenty minutes after leaving dad returned with two sorry-looking bagels in his hands.

"Slim pickings at the food court," dad smiled gently as he handed Bruce and me a bagel, my stomach rumbling at the sigh of it having not had the stomach to eat since bringing Alfred up to the hospital. "Got you guys a bagel."

"Thanks, Dad," I said, taking the bagel from him and passing one along to Bruce.

"Nothing for the invalid?" Alfred asked, making me smile softly as I tried to not draw Alfred's attention to the bagel cause that would just be cruel.

"Sorry. Hospital food only," dad reminded him, taking out his phone as it started to buzz. "Doctor's orders. How you feeling?"

"Alright. Slight puncture, leaked a bit," Alfred attempted a half shrug but stopped due to the tubes going into his hands.

"So I know last night must be kind of a blur but do you have any idea who did this?" dad asked, and beside me, Bruce started to shift uncomfortably.

"It—it was—" Bruce began but Alfred was quick to cut in.

"Dark. It was very dark," Alfred interrupted, making dad briefly glance over at me and Bruce. "I saw a shadow, then my saviours, Master Bruce and Miss Holly were leaning over me."

"You remember that?" I asked in surprise, having remembered Alfred to be pretty out of it.

"I do, miss," Alfred confirmed with a small smile.

"Bruce, Holly, did you get a look at the guy?" dad inquired, and I looked over to Bruce to answer. Clearly, Alfred had his own reasons for not telling dad but I didn't want to be the one to lie to him, something that Bruce appeared to notice when he turned back to look at dad with a subtle nod that I'm certain only I saw.

"No," Bruce answered, and dad didn't have the chance to ask me any further when his phone began to buzz fiercely in his hand again.

"Sorry, my captain keeps calling," dad apologised, looking at his phone in confusion.

"It's alright, dad. If the captain needs you, you should probably go to her," I said, hoping he would leave and my guilt would cease.

"No, no. I can stay," dad answered.

"I really appreciate you sitting with Master Bruce and miss Holly but as you can see, I'm completely fine," Alfred insisted. "Go."

The phone began to buzz in dad's hand again which may have been what lead dad to nod in agreement.

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