Just a Story 9.1

825 22 19

Holly POV

While the cops that had brought Selina in finished up some details with dad so he could gain some sort of authority over her, I stayed with the girl herself, though neither of us were really saying much. As sat on the other end of the bench, repositioning my bag onto my lap, I could feel Selina's gaze on me so I risked a glance and saw her staring at me, not blinking.

"Why's your hair damp?" Selina asked me, making me look at her in confusion.

"I, erm... I had swim try-outs," I answered.

"Why'd you want to do that?" Selina inquired, confusing me even more at her sudden interest.

"I guess I just wanted to be a part of something and the swim team was the best option I decided on," I shrugged.

"Did you get it?" Selina said, kicking her feet up onto the opposite bench.

"Yeah. Yeah, I did," I nodded. Selina then stared back at one of the cops who was watching us, making him turn away awkwardly. Seeing as Selina had tried to create a conversation, I decided to try and continue it. "I heard you got caught breaking into a fancy shop. What'd you take?"

"Just a couple of coats. They were hideous anyway. I don't know what all the fuss is about," Selina replied.

"A lot of rich people like those types of coats," I countered. "Makes a statement."

"Well, I could make a statement by sleeping with those coats. They're ugly but quite warm," Selina said.

"Do you do that often? Shoplift, I mean," I asked.

"You're a cops kid. I ain't answering that," Selina replied.

"Fair enough," I muttered, and I was gonna stop asking questions but my curiosity got the best of me. "So when you take stuff, do you like sell it? Who do you sell it to?"

"You ask a lot of questions," Selina commented.

"How else am I supposed to understand you?" I countered. Selina narrowed her eyes slightly before she sighed.

"Depends on what it is. I have my people that I sell stuff to. Anyway, it's not like I have much of a choice," Selina answered.

Just then, dad came back over to us, straightening out his jacket with one hand while the other was lowering his phone back into his pocket.

"Right, come on. Let's go," dad said. I got up from the bench but Selina stayed where she was.

"I think he means you, too," I told her.

"I do," dad confirmed.

Selina didn't protest as she got to her feet and followed us out of the precinct. We got into dad's car and drove back to Barbara's penthouse in silence. When we got there, dad went in first, me and Selina not far behind.

"Barbara?" dad called out as we went in.

Immediately, I went straight up to my room to put down my bags and school stuff. It was Friday today so thankfully I had finished with school for a week as it was now Spring break. I already had plans with Bruce to go over and help him do some more research into his parent's murder and the corruption of his company. Alfred had even covered for us and had agreed that if my dad asked what we were up to, he would lie and say I was just helping Bruce with schoolwork.

As I laid my jacket on the back of my chair behind my desk, I noticed something unusual on it; there seemed to be a letter with my name on it and I could easily recognise that this was Barbara's handwriting. I picked up the letter and read it:

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