Not the Same 15.1

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Holly POV

This was quite honestly the strangest week of my life. Well, it was close. I don't think being held captive by the biggest mob boss in the city was going to be easy to beat but my biology teacher being cuckoo crazy and killing a bunch of people in some rather absurd ways was definitely nearing the top.

A whole week had passed since my biology teacher revealed himself as a murderer to my dad and Harvey but due to how busy they had both been, neither one had spoken to me about it. However, I was sure that that time was coming and when I had mentioned it in passing to Tanya, she was convinced that she was gonna appear in a documentary or something!

Considering that I had now left Barbara's apartment and was living in a hotel with dad until we found someplace else, I had taken a lot of the things I hadn't wanted to Ivy, who was chuffed with some of the items. I'd left them all with her cause even if she didn't want any of the clothes or things like that, I'm sure that there would be some kids that would.

Right now, I was in the hotel room, scribbling down the last piece of my homework, forcing myself to stay up so that I could be awake when dad returned from his date with Dr Lee Thompkins. Let's just say I was more than a little curious as to how serious they really were.


Third Person POV

A gentle drizzle of rain fell around them as Jim and Lee, whose arms were intertwined with one another, stopped underneath a streetlight and waited for a taxi to drive by. The actually dinner date had been successful and for it to be the perfect evening, Jim wanted to ensure Lee got him safely.

After his disaster of a not-a-date date last week, Jim wanted everything to be absolutely perfect hence the fact he left all conversation revolving around work where it belonged.

"Thank you, that was wonderful," Lee said as they stood under the streetlight.

"Yeah, it was," Jim agreed with a smile before he noticed a cab heading their way. "Taxi!" The yellow cab pulled over on the other side of the road so Jim and Lee started to make their way across. "And no case files. We didn't mention work once. I think my daughter would disown me if I showed up to our date with anything like that."

"There's hope for us yet," Lee laughed.

"Yeah," Jim smiled widely. "So, what is this, our third date?"

"I believe that's correct," Lee nodded.

"Three dates and I still haven't been to your apartment," Jim said.

"What particular room of my apartment are you interested in?" Lee asked.

"I don't know. How's the kitchen?" Jim inquired.


"Living room?"


"What about the bedroom?"

"The bedroom, I think you'd like," Lee responded with a smile. "But not tonight."

"No?" Jim tilted his head.

"I have to get a good night's sleep. I start a new job in the morning," Lee told him.

"A new job?" Jim repeated, not knowing Lee had even applied elsewhere. "Congratulations. Since when?"

"I heard this morning," Lee answered, excitement rushing through her. "I didn't wanna spoil dinner with a discussion about it."

"Why would it spoil dinner?" Jim asked curiously, opening the taxi door for Lee.

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