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Grunting and weapons clashing were heard through the looking-glass. Behind that glass wall, a man in an elegant suit, long indigo-black hair, and a scar over his right eye watched the fight that is currently taking place in a huge training room with many apparitions trying to outwit the person who is literally shooting and spitting fire at everyone like a dragon.

Just before the combat reached its climax, the door opened behind the rich man, revealing a very tall figure with black hair, a green jacket, and sharp sunglasses that are covering his eyes completely.

"You're late." Sakyo said with amusement as his eyes were still glued on the glass.

"Had some issues with traffic." The younger Toguro replied with a bored tone as he walked next to Sakyo and watched the combat as well. "How did the arrangements go?"

"They went perfectly." Answered the rich man reassured smoothly before sucking in the intoxicating substance from his cigarette and blew out a large cloud of smoke from his lips. "If you want, you can give the invitations to the special guests early, if you like."

"I would be honoured to do so, but maybe at a proper time." Said the man with sunglasses as the fighter in the middle was stabbing her opponents mercilessly or at times shoot fire out of her fingertips. The sight pleased Toguro, causing him to smirk a little.

"Looks like she is ready for the bloodshed." The rich man pointed out.

"No kidding, I was barely able to find any of these unfortunate souls in order to keep this woman accompanied." Toguro said it casually. 

"What about your other gang members?" Sakyo asked curiously after breathing out some smoke. "Weren't they good enough for her."

"They are busy." The man in sunglasses said as his new teammate just killed another target with her violet fire ball. 

"I see." Sakyo hummed thoughtfully and a little amused. "Where did you find this one again?"

"Hmpf, just crossed path with her after a little 'workout' with some low-class demons." Replied the tall man. "It was one of 'those' lucky days." And just as he finished with his sentence, the woman in black like catsuit with a magenta scarf belt just stabbed her sai blades. The tips of those sharp blades dig into the demon's skull to the point that it went right through it. Then with one motion, that skull was cut into two and when the dead body dropped to the floor, it revealed the killer behind it. 

Mad golden eyes glowing brighter than ever by the power of vengeance, rage, and pure hatred. 

That gaze soon fell onto her next victim who was on the floor, trembling while trying to cower away. 

Unfortunately for him, he wasn't fast enough, and just as he was about to see his life flashing before his eyes, the only thing that flashed brighter than that, was the wild lightning that sparkled out of the fighter's fingers before it was shot r...

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Unfortunately for him, he wasn't fast enough, and just as he was about to see his life flashing before his eyes, the only thing that flashed brighter than that, was the wild lightning that sparkled out of the fighter's fingers before it was shot right at the demon's face.

In the middle of the night Miyuki gasped for air and woke up suddenly. Her heavy panting echoed through her small bedroom  as the cold sweat was covering her forehead. She wiped those drops off and took a deep inhale, trying to calm her heart rate down. 

'What was this. . . feeling. . . ?' The girl asked herself as she placed one hand over the right side of her chest as her mind was searching through her memories. 

This was a strange wake up call which just came out so randomly, but what really bugged Miyuki was that she doesn't even know what woke her up. What made her guts feel so alarmed at a time like this. A small sigh came out of her lips as her hands covered her entire face.

'It's probably nothing important, just. . . stress from the missions.' The female Spirit Detective tried to reassure herself. . .  or more likely convince herself. . . 'But my guts were never wrong before. . .  why should I believe this is anything different?' Then her body flopped back down onto the mattress as her chocolate-brown eye stares at the ceiling blankly. Suddenly she turned to the side and saw her precious jewellery resting on top of her favourite book.

Another sigh later Miyuki reached for the phoenix ring and brought it closer to her before her other hand turned on her small lamp before grabbing the book. 

'From the Ashes I Rise' Was the title of the book with a cover that has a phoenix on it.

"Hn, how ironic that the thing I love, became a part of my identity. Literally." The girl murmured to herself a little amused, but also annoyed because as much as she kind of likes it, it is also a curse since she became a target to those who want to get their hands on the power of the Light Phoenix. "Whatever. . ." Breathed out the Urameshi girl in defeat since there is really nothing she can do about it now. She opened the book and flipped through the pages. Her eye eventually found the page she was looking for, along with her favourite book mark, which was the friendly group photo she had taken with Kurama and his little brother, Sanyu. 

The sadness struck into her heart again, but at the same time, she couldn't help but smile as some good memories began to  flash into her mind. Then Miyuki's small smile turned into a frown before taking a deep breath and carefully put the picture onto the time table. With that she began to read her book in peace since she couldn't fall asleep at the moment. Once she got deep into the book, she didn't notice the person, who was watching her through her balcony window while he was standing another building, keeping a watchful eye on the Urameshi girl who eventually drift to a peaceful slumber. 

But even so, the Fire Demon stayed there for a little while and watched his life-partner, just in case if a nightmare is about to attack her.  

Flaming Hearts ~Fire with Fire ~Book 2 {OLDER VERSION}Where stories live. Discover now