CH27 - The Masters Arrival

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The warmth of the sunray woke me up. My body lifted itself up from the soft surface which I began to tap before taping the area underneath me. I was on the bed of course.

Did I fell asleep and was brought back by Hiei?

Maybe. . .

I stretched my arms and arched my back, cracking a few of my bones. Big mistake. The remaining pain from the previous match strikes in and I let out a small groan that I thankfully managed to bit back so I won't wake up Ruby.

With a sigh, I forced my sore muscles to move again as my hand began to tap on the night table where I placed today's outfit. I felt my Phoenix ring on top of the fabric material, then I felt a little bird beak nudging my fingers.

"Hey. . ." I greeted little Aki with a quiet whisper as I stretched my hand out for her. She instantly snuggled up into my hand palm while I give her some gentle pats and scratches. After that, I moved my hand back onto the surface and felt my ring again, but that was suddenly taken from my grasp and then I heard being placed down onto the wooden surface. Aki is probably trying to help me.

"Umm. . . thank you. . . ?" I tell my little Spirit Beast as I grabbed my clothes from the night-table and raised myself up from the bed. The wings flapping was heard again and then I felt Aki's little claws gently grab one of my wrists and pull me away.

'What the. . . what is she doing?' I asked myself as the little bird lead me away. Then I felt that hand being placed onto a doorknob before I felt Aki's weight land on my shoulder. I turn my head in her direction and gave a questioning look.

Well, I felt a bit silly by doing this since all I see is the blackness.

I feel her beak poke me, making me mentally yelp. Geez, she is a pushy one like Kieiko or Ruby. I sighed and just went with it. I opened the door and stepped inside the room. I felt the familiar floor of that short hall which eventually lead me to another door. With some difficulty, I opened that too. As soon as my bare foot touched the tiles, I knew I was in the bathroom area.

"Well. . . thank you Aki. . ." I told the little bird, earning a small chirping as my answer before I feel her little weight lifted itself off of me and then flew somewhere else. I just nodded to myself and went to the sink where I washed my hands and some parts of my face to freshen up a little. Sometime later I got the attire on me then left the bathroom with Aki's help.

"Morning!" I hear Ruby's greeting as I opened the door. I nodded in acknowledgment. "You look nice."

"Um, thanks. . ." I replied, now getting a little insecure. "Did I managed to put it on, right?" I asked her as I began to brush and tap my outfit around, just in case.

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