CH33 - Many Faces Many Forms

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The three girls were standing outside the hotel's entrance with Atsuko.

"Come on, let's go! The guys need our support." Keiko said urgently.

"This way ladies, I know a short cut." Botan informed them.

"Wait, aren't we forgetting someone?" The mother figure asked.

"That's right, where is Shizuru?" The brunette girl asked as she turned on her heels and looked through the hotel's glass door. On cue Kazuma's sister turned up, drinking some energy drink.

"Aw, we don't have time for this!" Botan scolded in a shout. "Your brother could be dying." Her small anger was cut short when a pained cry came from little Aki who had been in Yukina's embrace.

"Hey, what's wrong with the little one?" Atsuko asked as she leaned down and looked at the little phoenix hatchling.

"I don't know, she had been like this ever since I woke up. . ." The ice maiden replied a little concern in her tone. "Her fever hadn't gone down one bit." A small coo came out of the bird, sounding miserable which made the girls get a little worried.

"Maybe we should have left her in the room." Botan suggested, only for Yukina to disagree. Suddenly Keiko gasped.

"Wait a second!" She exclaimed in realization. "I forgot Puu! He's still up in the room. I didn't even leave him water. Yusuke said that it's like his other half. I'll be right back!" With that, she rushed back into the building.

"No!" The blunette grumbled in annoyance. "Ugh Poo."

Yukina sighed a little while petting little Aki with her cold hands to cool her fever down.

'That's right. Aki is also Miyuki's other half.' The ice maiden thought to herself now getting more worried while wondering what is happening with the Urameshi girl at the moment.

Keiko opened the door and began to scan around the room for the other Spirit Beast.

"Puu, where are you?" The brunette girl asked. "Puu?" On cue the little blue bird chirped, giving away his location which happened to under the blanket.

"There you are." Keiko said as she lifted up the covers and picked up the little one. "I'm sorry. Is Yusuke alright?" In reply, Puu just gave some chirps.

The mentioned person was still under the brutal test. Blood dripped through his teeth as he had been tolerating the torture for a long time now. He could have been free from it, if he let Genkai took the energy back. . . but he remembered what he promised to his sister. . . what the siblings promised to each other. . .

To not give up that easily. . . so that's why he took the Spirit Orb back and let himself go through the agony again.

'I know that this pain is severe Yusuke.' Genkai thought to herself as she watched her student roll around while more blood began to come out of his muscles. 'But it's only going to get worse. You must endure if you're going to truly succeed me.' Yusuke kept on groaning while he was rolling around on the ground. As much as he hated this, he knew he needs to do this if he wants to beat Toguro.

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