CH43 - The Night Before The War - Part 1

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The full moon shined with his glory for the night while sending it's light toward the human fighter who was sitting in the grass with his legs crossed while looking at the enchanted item laying in front of him thoughtfully.

"The Trial Sword. Made from a Japanese seeder that grew to great heights by sucking up the surrounding life." Kuwabara repeated Suzuka's information of that magical sword hilt. "For Shishiwakamaru it became the Banshee-Shriek. But for you, it should be quite different, and probably without the demon. This fight was the first time those items were used. I still can't tell you exactly how they work or what side effect they can have upon their user." The last part was not so reassuring, but either way, Kuwabara was willing to try it, if this can lead to his team's victory.

Being a little unsure still, he began to poke the sword hilt with a stick from his safe distance.

"Uh, you're not gonna blow up on me, are ya?" He asked, even though he knew it was not gonna talk back. "No! Enough of this sissy stuff! I'm not scared!" He exclaimed while throwing away the stick and just picked up the sword hilt. He placed his feet into a proper stance and held the hilt tight. 'I just have to pretend that it's an extension of my arm. Channel my spirit energy and see what the heck happens.' With that being said he did just that. Suddenly the wind around the area began to pick up strength while his energy got a little out of control, but that soon changed when all of his energy eventually got channelled into the sword hilt that began to suck the power in from the human and its surroundings.

'It absorbs my power.' Kazuma concluded as the veins on his arms began to pop out while his legs gave in and fell onto his knees. 'So whatever makes you reflect your real strength.' He eventually got the courage to look at the result of his test, only for his jaw to drop while both eyes open up wide. The sword was like fifty feet long and it almost reached up to the heavens.

"Woah! Oh, No way!" Kuwabara laughed in disbelief but also with joy, pleased with the item's quality. Once he managed to summon back his energy he began to make a run for the hotel to see his friend, Yusuke there.

"Urameshi!" He cried out as soon as he reached the entrance of the building. "Man, he is not gonna believe this." He thought to himself before looking up at the window where he and his team's living room are, but by the looks of it, no one was even present in the room or something else. "Urameshi wake up! You've gotta check out my new sword, and brace yourself 'cause you're about to get insanely jealous!" He beamed with pride like a child who wanted to show his first drawing to his mother. When he received no answer he stopped the bragging. "Hm, he must have left." However, he sensed something nearby. Someone's energy, which he eventually recognized as his team leader's spiritual powers. "Hey, you sneaky little punk is that you?" Kuwabara cried out loudly to make sure the male Spirit Detective actually heard it. "I've got something to tell you!" His words were suddenly followed by a few yelps of a surprise when he sensed the ground shaking underneath him. The force got stronger as he approached the area where Yusuke was standing. "What the heck is going on?" He exclaimed before he got to the cliff where his friend was.

Yusuke was standing at the edge while his energy was surrounding him and just kept on growing like wildfire. Kuwabara's mouth agape when he saw that and if he wasn't strong enough in his spiritual awareness part, he might have got a headache from the Urameshi boy's aura. Yusuke's powers eventually calmed down along with the small earthquakes that are happening in his surroundings. Unfortunately for Kuwabara, he ended up slipping from the edge and then slide down onto the rocky surface, not so gracefully. The male Spirit Detective heard him and turned his body to face his friend.

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