CH35 - Behind your Reflection

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[A/N: Before starting it, I would like to give a shot out to CrystalWaterStar for helping me with this chapter. Thank you very much for your help again, and check out her account where you can read awesome stories. Enjoy the new chapter ^^.]

"Let's just keep going." Botan urged as she, Atsuko, and Shizuru walked ahead of Yukina and Keiko. "They probably started the third match."

"They've probably already lost it." The older sister figure joked sarcastically.

"Um, guys?" Keiko called who stopped on her tracks with the Ice maiden beside her.

"We um. . . have a little problem here. . . " Yukina added as well.

"Oh dead, what is it now?" The blunette girl asked as she rushed over to the two.

"It's Aki and Puu." Keiko answered as she and Yukina looked at the two Spirit Beasts, who were squirming in agony, sweating bullets, and chirp miserably.

"Oh, they look absolutely awful." Botan said as she checked each of them.

"They're in pain. . ." Yukina informed sadly. "I still couldn't lower down Aki's temperature and for some reason, it just keeps on rising. . ."

"They're supposed to be a reflection of both Yusuke's and Miyuki's souls, right?" The brunette girl asked with worry, feeling completely heartbroken to see them like this.

"Then it means that both of them are hurting too. . ." Yukina concluded with concern.

None of them were wrong.

The Urameshi boy let out another scream of bloody murder when the Spirit Orb snapped something within him, causing his eyes to turn red.

As for the Urameshi girl, she was barely moving a muscle on the outside while on the inside, she is being thrown around like a rag doll by the Phoenix. Miyuki's body once again hit the watery floor and just bounce up and down like a ball. She tried to get up from the ground, but when she tried, her spiritual body just didn't have the strength to do it. . . And with a gigantic and flaming wild bird was after her life, it didn't help her case much either.

Both Spirit Beasts suddenly get a vision of their owners and immediately began to struggle their way for freedom. Botan jumped back when Puu and Aki began to violently trash around in the girls' hold while screeching in distress.

"Hey! Calm down! You're both okay!" Keiko tried to soothe the two, but her words fell into deaf ears. Eventually, the bird-like creatures freed themselves from the girl's embrace and flew away from the girl group. "Puu! Aki! Where are you going?! Don't leave!" The brunette girl shouted after the two, but they were long gone. "Yusuke. . . Miyuki. . ." Keiko mumbled under her breath while the mother figure behind her just stared into the air where her children's two Spirit Beasts were last seen with worry-filled eyes.

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