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"Kay, we're good to go!" Botan said as she set up the camera for the group picture.

"Great!" Kazuma exclaimed cheerfully. "Uh-hey Yukina, wanna stand by me in the picture?" He asked the Ice Maiden with hopeful eyes.

"No Kazuma, are you mad?" Little Yukina asked as he held onto Aki in her arms. "Cameras could steal your soul away. It's far too risky."

"Agh, that's just a superstition, probably." Kuwabara tried to convince the mint-green haired demon girl.

"No, I won't!" Yukina kept on protesting as she shook her head violently. That made Kazuma groan in disappointment but none the less he continued on trying.

"That's a lousy pose." Botan complained while the others were standing next to each other. "Come now, this picture is important." While that Yusuke glanced at Keiko who caught his eyes.

"What's wrong?" The brunette girl asked in annoyance.

"Nothing." The Urameshi boy said nonchalantly. "Just your cheeks are looking a little puffy that's all." That made Keiko look away in a huff, clearly feeling a little insulted.

"My weight is none of your business you jerk!" The brunette girl exclaimed angrily as she looked at her friend and crush with fury filled eyes.

"Hey, I was trying to help!" Yusuke defended in a yell. "Maybe you're allergic to your face cream!"

"Now kids, calm down." Atsuko tried to break the two apart, knowing how their arguments would last for weeks.

"Would you lovebirds behave for five seconds?" Botan told them a little sternly. Then she noticed something. "Oh, hold on where are Hiei and Miyuki?" At that half of the group looked at the left side where they found the Fire Demon while the other half found the Phoenix girl on the right side. Both clearly not wanting to be a part of this picture.

"This is absurd." Hiei commented with a bored tone while his partner on the other side just huffed and kept looking away.

"Come on!" Yusuke and Kurama went over to the Fire Demon and grabbed the demon.

"Please sweetie, just one picture." Atsuko tried to politely tell her daughter to get over there, but Miyuki didn't budge. Seeing that, Ruby and Keiko walked over and began to drag her toward the group. There were protests and all, but the Urameshi girl kept herself quiet.

"GET OFF ME YOU FOOLS!!!" Hiei shouted angrily as he struggled to get out of the boys' grasp, but with no luck.

"Don't be shy." Kurama told him, unfazed by his childish behaviour as he and the Urameshi boy placed the Fire Demon down. The mother figure and the Water-Bender eventually got Miyuki to stand for the picture. After many failed attempts Kazuma give up on trying to get Yukina into the group picture and just made his way behind Keiko who had an arm around the Phoenix girl who was trying to hide away from the embarrassment she is feeling at the moment.

"Alright here I come!" The young Grim Reaper said before pushing down the button and then run toward the group of friends. "Say Bingo!" She warned just as she got into her position just like everyone else. Without any further ta do the picture was made within a flash.

Flaming Hearts ~Fire with Fire ~Book 2 {OLDER VERSION}Where stories live. Discover now