CH8 - The Little Mighty Foe

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I mentally rolled my eyes as I see Kuwabara's overconfidence, probably thinking that this whole fight will be a piece of cake because he got some little kid. Obviously, he didn't learn from his past mistakes and it irritates me so much. Oh, who am I kidding? He never uses his brain unless someone literally knocks some sense into him.

"When is he going to get things seriously?" My water-bender partner asked me.

"Did you really have to ask?" I asked 'Scarlett' as my eye fixated on the two fighters.

"No limits had been set, beside one on one." Koto began to explain it to everyone. "You're free to use any weapons or techniques you want. First person to stay down or out of the ring for ten seconds is the loser." Then the buzzer went off, signalling that now the fight had begun. Carrot-Top got into a stance while one of his hands tauntingly motioned for the boy to come closer. 

Suddenly, Rinku got on his tiptoes then just disappeared within a flash. He then reappeared and began to jump up and down, showing off his agility.

'Hm, maybe I can do that when it will come to air-bending.' I mentally make a note of that as I feel my eye taking this 'picture' into my mind.

This Photographic memory thing became a new habit of mine, ever since we started to train for this tournament. Needless to say, it worked wonders so far in hand in hand combats and so much more for my needs.

My focus soon went back to the fight, Kazuma is having at the moment. He was just standing in the middle while Rinku was jumping around him non stop. Even though my eye can follow the moves very clearly, I know for a fact that Kuwabara is not so lucky.

"For a child, I must admit, his agility is really impressive." 'Scarlett' said beside me.

"Yes, and it makes it difficult to follow." Rosehead agreed with his statement. Rinku's figure just kept on moving fast, but then by some miracle, Kazuma finally hit the brat in the head and fell flat on his face.

"Nice one lameo." I hear my brother comment making me turn to him.

I'm surprised that I am not sleeping at the moment like he does right now. After all, we went through the same hell at Genkai's and Yara's temple.

"Our lessons have helped him more than we thought Hiei." Kurama said beside me. "It seems Kuwabara is the type of fighter who's true skills could only be measured in the ring."

"Maybe, but he still doesn't understand the concept of these fights." I told him my opinion.

"The Phoenix here is right." Hiei agreed with me. "He should drop his honor and strike the boy while he is still down." And I couldn't agree more to that, because by know everyone knows what this idiot is like.

I watched as Rinku and Kuwabara charged at each other, but at the end of that, Kazuma punched him in the stomach area. Right after that, more hits began to land on the little boy.

"This could be Kuwabara's best chance to finish him." Shuichi pointed out.

It really does seem like it, but my gut was telling me the opposite of that. This is not over.And what happened next just proved my gut feeling right once again. Even though I wished to be wrong for once. Rinku's struggling expression suddenly disappeared and he once again sped off. Now he was behind Kazuma and with one fast kick in the jaw, Kuwabara was down, biting the dust. There was a small moment of silence, but then the cheers of the apparitions erupted in the air while Koto walked over and started the counting.

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