CH37 - The Cape of No Return

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My eyes flutter open then with a loud gasp I shot up from where I was lying on. Everything was first a blur-Wait. . . blur?

Within an instant, my hands flew up to my face and began to rub my eyes. That didn't really help. In fact, it made my eyes hurt even more.

"Welcome back, dimwit." Greeted Master Yara making me snap my head toward her direction. I opened my mouth to speak, but all that came out was a croaking sound that was similar to someone scratching the glass with a fork. I stopped talking and grabbed my dry and really sore throat.

'I need water.' I thought and quickly I tapped around the rocky surface until I felt the edge of something wet. Water. Scrambled over the source I moved my hands into it and felt the cool liquid all around them. Cupping up a good amount of it I began to first wash my face with it then I drink from it a little, easing up my pain. Relieve washed over me, but that soon turned into pure shock as soon as my eyes caught my own reflection. . .

'I. . . I can see. . .' I mentally said to myself. I literally cannot believe this. . . I got my vision back. However, when I get a better look at my reflection in the water I noticed something different.

My hand touched the second part of the Phoenix tattoo, which revealed itself on my face, making me look at my left arm that had shown my tattoo too. Both of them are now pure white with a perfectly healed and smooth skin surface.

'What the actual hell!' I mentally cursed at myself but then I felt something land on my right shoulder, making me jump a little. I turn my head, only to see Aki there.

"Well, I guess that's it." I hear the old lady say, making me turn to her and look at her. The cave wasn't that too bright, nor too dark but still, never in my life would have thought I would be so. . . happy to 'see' the world again with my own eyes. "Congratulations Miyuki. Not only did you managed to tame the wild beast, but was also able to strengthen the connection between you and your true self."

I said nothing and just looked down at the water's surface.

'My true. . .self. . . ?' I repeated her words before looking back at my reflection in the water. . . . 'The one I had been trying to get rid of ever since Sanyu's death. . .' My mind went right there. . . Forcing me quickly to violently shake my head and snap myself out of my thoughts. 'You can think about that later.' I reminded myself as I remembered there is still something that I need to do. . . That made me look down at my right wrist that had my dragon-yang tattoo.

"Well, if you plan on going then you better get some new clothes and something to cover that secret weapon of yours." My master pointed out, which made me look down at my clothes that were all covered in blood and ashes. Some parts are also got burned a little. I gave a quiet hum to her, agreeing with her before scrambling up to my feet, and got up from the ground with the sleepy little Aki in my arms.

"Wait!" I hear Master Yara called making me turn to her curiously. "Before that, I need to give you something that can help you." Then suddenly her fingers began to glow brightly. "Place the little one down and hold your wrist out to me." I don't know what is going on, but I did as I was told.


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