Who Really Knows

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Credit to my soulmate @annhirae for sending me babie jeongguk

Taehyung could hear chuckles and giggles arising from the living room as he dressed in a comfortable sweater and jeans.

Hoseok was at their place - supposedly to make homework - but instead, the two had spent the majority of the evening watching funny youtube videos and old vine mashups. Pizza boxes were strewn across the kitchen from when the three of them had ordered pizza, Taehyung and Hoseok officially meeting each other for the first time.

Well - technically their first meeting had been in the gym when Jeongguk had been staying with Hoseok. Taehyung wasn't sure if Hoseok had ever told Jeongguk about that day and if not then Taehyung didn't really think it mattered that much.


Jeongguk's head popped up from behind the door and he smiled at his boyfriend. "Where are you meeting him?" Taehyung turned around to watch Jeongguk's big doe eyes stare at him, his - or rather Taehyung's - flannel shirt swallowing him whole.

"At the bar," Taehyung told him. "Where we first met."

Jeongguk nodded and stepped out from behind the door, his hands linking together behind his back. "Will it be alright?", he asked as he bounced on the balls of his feet.

"I told him we should talk about what happened. I don't want to lose him as a friend but we can't go on with this tension around us." Taehyung shrugged on a jacket and buttoned it. "If it's alright I'd like to introduce you two soon so you can both get to know each other properly."

"Yeah." Jeongguk smiled weakly, trying to show his enthusiasm. Did he want to meet Seokjin? Not really, but he was Taehyung's friend after all and he did want to prove to the male that he was a good boy and not toxic at all. It might also be the perfect opportunity to get this perfect picture of Seokjin out of his head and view him as a flawed human being like the rest of humanity.

"I can tell you're trying to be enthusiastic." Taehyung chuckled as he passed by Jeongguk, booping the boy's adorable nose. "I appreciate the effort darling."

Jeongguk's bottom lip jutted out as he watched his boyfriend slip into his black boots. He really wanted to be a supportive boyfriend - like Taehyung - but he just couldn't bring himself to look forward to meeting Seokjin.

"I'll try better next time." Jeongguk told him with a smile, "But promise me that you won't drink too much."

Taehyung had work in the morning and he didn't want the man to stand in the gym with a killer headache. He also knew how drunk Taehyung could be and Jeongguk couldn't afford walking with a limp tomorrow since he had PE as his first class. "I know what kind of effect alcohol on you."

Taehyung raised a suggestive eyebrow at him and squeezed the boy's hip. "You make me sound like a pervert."

"You can never get your hands off me once you're drunk." Jeongguk squeaked when the other squeezed his butt before pulling him into a longing kiss. Taehyung's tongue swept across him, deepening the kiss in a second before pulling back again.

"Shush now little one, wouldn't want your friend to become uncomfortable now wouldn't we?"

He glanced at Hoseok still situated on the couch, munching on some pepper and salt crisps, eyes glued to his phone. "Bye bun." He quickly pecked the boy's lips again before stepping out of the door, leaving Jeongguk's legs wobbling.

"Fuck, I love him." He uttered out, teeth sinking into his bottom lip. He was sure his face was a deep tomato red from the unexpected kiss Taehyung had pulled him into.

"Jeongguk, stop simping over your boyfriend and play a videogame with me."

The boy in question rolled his eyes and turned on his heels, making his way back to Hoseok. "When will you have someone to simp over that's not either animated or across the other side of the world?"

Hoseok dropped his phone into his lap and stared at him, his eyes unamused. "I don't simp."

"You would if you had someone to simp over." Jeongguk grinned, leaning his head against the couch. "Do we need to find a cute girlfriend for you?"

Hoseok huffed and picked up his phone again. "I'll find one in college. The people at school all suck anyway." He said while scrolling through Instagram. "You're just lucky you found Taehyung in a random gym."

"I am indeed lucky." His smile was honest and his eyes twinkled when he thought about his lovely boyfriend. Hoseok frowned at him, his hand coming to push Jeongguk's shoulder. "Stop being so sappy."

A controller was thrown at Jeongguk's chest. "Let's play some Mario Kart."

"Why? So you can simp over princess Peach again?"

"You wanna catch these fists Jeon?"

»»----- 🥊 -----««

The tension in the bar had grown uncomfortable as the two men sat next to each other, the youngest one hunched over while the other stirred the olive in his drink. The bartender's eyes flickered between the two, wondering why the two men looked this uncomfortable being next to each other. It had seemed like they had known each other but they both hadn't spoken a word yet.

He had given the brown-haired one a bottle of beer and he had given the business type a martini. "Can I get you anything else?" He asked the first man who was dressed quite casual in comparison to the other man. "A beer?"

"Sure," Taehyung told him, sliding the empty bottle over to the bartender. Seokjin had arrived just five minutes after he had sat down at the bar but neither had spoken a word yet. Why? He wasn't sure.

He didn't quite know what to say. Their texts had been really dry and now the tension was the only thing keeping him seated on the uncomfortable high stool.

"Seokjin." He finally said once another beer was handed to him. He turned on his chair, gazing at the other man who was still mindlessly staring into his drink. "I don't know how to start."

"You think I do?" Seokjin chuckled dryly. The man pushed his drink away and finally faced Taehyung as well. "I've been rethinking my actions and words. It was wrong of me to tell you what I told you last week. But I don't regret sending that message, I only regret Jeongguk ever reading it."

Taehyung opened his mouth to retort but he shut up when Seokjin raised his hand.

"Let me finish talking. I met you when you were miserable, sitting by yourself, getting drunk because of this boy that left you without anything besides a small note. Whenever we met after that you were tired, borderline depressed and I spend my time cheering you up, trying to get your mind to drift somewhere else than him being gone." Seokjin took a deep breath. "But then, he comes back in your life and gets jealous of my mere existence? I'm sorry, but alarm bells went ringing in my head. I've seen a friend got stuck into a bad relationship - hell, she married the damn dude and is now desperately trying to divorce him. I didn't want you to go through that as well."

"I understand that." Taehyung nodded. His hands had gotten clammy and he wiped them on his jeans. "I've been thinking about your point of view as well. I realized I should have let you guys meet as soon as Jeongguk was back because then this would have never happened. Once you meet Jeongguk, you'll see how he's really like."

"I'd like to meet him." Seokjin agreed. "I'll apologize to him for before. I did not intend to make him that upset."

"You have one less thing to worry about as well," Taehyung said before taking a gulp of his beer. "Jeongguk and I can't get married so I can't get into a situation like your friend."

"Well, that's just sad." Seokjin gave him a pointed look. "Maybe in a few years."

"I won't get my hopes up." Taehyung gave the other a small smile. "Though it's nice to think about."

okay, so I have 7 lines of lyrics left which means 7 chapters left and I have no idea what to write ha ha ha someone punch me, maybe it gets the creativity flowing.

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