You Never Let Me Down

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Taehyung wasn't kidding when he said he would have trouble walking the next morning. The limp in his step was evident and despite his utmost effort to hide it from his sweet mother, the painful expression each time he walked or sat down was a dead giveaway.

Jeongguk couldn't stop grinning and had trouble hiding he was the cause for Taehyung's red cheeks. He couldn't help the fact that his dick game was this good that he had almost crippled his boyfriend.

Taehyung wasn't fond of the smirks Jeongguk sent him during the day and often stomped the boy whenever he was gloating again. "I'd sent prayers tonight if I were you, darling," Taehyung whispered to the boy as they got ready for bed. "I won't go easy on you next time."

New Year's Eve was just around the corner and to Jeongguk's luck his limp was less evident because Mrs. Kim was busy preparing meals all day, excited for the new year.

"Boys, could you get this from the store for me?" Mrs. Kim asked, handing her son the list of ingredients she'd need for her meals. "And get some snacks you like, in case you get hungry waiting for the fireworks."

Jeongguk watched Taehyung grab his coat before slinging an arm around him to help him to the door. "I'm not handicapped you know?" His cheeks burned bright when Taehyung made a move to pick him up. "I can walk just right."

"This is my revenge for you carrying me up the stairs right in front of my mom," Taehyung said, now having picked the boy up in his arms, much to Jeongguk's obvious dismay. "Stop pouting dear before I drop this grocery list and carry you to the bedroom instead."

"I don't think your mother would like that." Jeongguk snickered, knowing Taehyung wouldn't act on his words in fear of his mother's wrath. "And I don't think my ass would either."

Taehyung clicked his tongue as he kicked the front door closed behind him before trudging towards the car, the fresh snow crunching underneath his boots. "You're lucky I like your ass."

"We're in this situation because of that." Jeongguk smiled, pressing a kiss to Taehyung's jaw before nuzzling into the side of his neck.

"I'll drop you." There was no real intention in Taehyung's words, and both men were aware of this. Jeongguk fluttered his eyes and smiled. "No, you won't."

Taehyung grumbled at how predictable he was.  The man carefully helped Jeongguk into the car before sliding behind the wheel, beginning to drive them to the nearest supermarket.

The supermarket was bustling with people, every person needing some last-minute groceries for tonight's feast. Jeongguk didn't quite like hectic places like this and stuck to Taehyung's side like a puppy to his owner. He reached for the man's large hand but flinched away when a man looked at him with a side glance, seemingly judging him, but Jeongguk was unaware that this was all in his head. In the midst of the chaos, no one would probably notice the holding of hands between two males.

"I'll go into the frozen section, could you go to the diary products and get these things from the list?" Taehyung spoke up as he scanned the grocery list given by his mom that seemed to go on forever.

Jeongguk's nerves reacted to his boyfriend's words but he tried to shake them off by forcing a smile on his lips. "Sure, do we meet somewhere?"

Taehyung glanced up from the list to meet the boy's eyes. "We'll meet at the snacks. I know you know well enough where that section is." His lips quirked up into a grin when he saw the sparkle in Jeongguk's pretty eyes.

"My favorite place ever."

"See you in five." Taehyung smiled before ruffling the boy's hair and disappearing into the crowd. Jeongguk sighed, hyperaware of how alone he was and how packed it was, and turned around before almost running into a woman, who had been standing there for a few seconds.

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