To Take Away The Pain That I Felt

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The boy took a deep breath as he heard the familiar voice behind him that's been chasing him around for the past four days. Jeongguk quickened his pace, pushing past the group of students around him that were chattering peacefully before Jeongguk barged past them.

He could hear the person behind him speeding up as well. Hoseok was adamant on making sure Jeongguk was right since the boy had never stopped worrying about him and it was getting on his nerves.

"Jeongguk, stop ignoring me."

With a sigh he halted at the bus stop, hearing the footsteps halt beside him. Without looking beside him he voiced out. "Do you even take the bus Hoseok?"

The boy softly kicked his leg. "No, I live two streets away but you don't live anywhere at the moment and that's the problem."

Jeongguk turned up his nose, eyes fixed on the road in front of him. "I do live somewhere." He really did hope the bus would come soon. All he wanted to do was crawl into bed and sleep until tomorrow.

"But it's not your home, isn't it?"

Jeongguk's now snapped towards Hoseok with a glare that would make anyone else shiver. "What does it matter? It's not important right now."

"C'mon Jeongguk." Hoseok grabbed the boy's arm and started pulling him towards town's center. Jeongguk was shaken out of his element and stared at the confident boy in front of him, dragging him along as if it was nothing. "Where- where are we going?"

"The cake shop."

Jeongguk frowned and tried pulling his arm back since the students around them were starting to give them weird looks. Out of the corner of his eyes he could see his bus heading their way. "Why?"

"Because you need someone to talk to." Hoseok finally dropped his arm when realized Jeongguk was obediently following him. "And it's obvious you don't have anyone to talk to."

Jeongguk placed a hand over his heart and bowed his head. "That hurt."

"No it doesn't." Hoseok snorted and began walking again. "It'll be my treat. I'll even let you choose a hot beverage."

The walk to the nearest cake shop wasn't too far away and when the little bell rang signaling their entry, the guy behind the counter lifted his hand to greet Hoseok.

"Hey hyung!", Hoseok chirped. The boy quickly went over to talk to the man while he pointed Jeongguk towards a table in the corner between a few pots of plants.

Jeongguk could run now, be free of Hoseok's cheery iron grip but for some strange reason he followed the direction Hoseok had pointed in and sat down in the café. Hoseok walked back to him after a few minutes, carrying two slices of cake. "You can choose whichever you want."

Jeongguk didn't have to think twice and grabbed the slice of gooey chocolate cake and began chomping it down. Hoseok chuckled at the look in the boy's eager eyes and grasped the slice of strawberry cake. "So". Hoseok began to speak.

Jeongguk glanced up at the boy, gulping down whatever was in his mouth. "What?"

"Do you want to talk about something?" Hoseok's eyes were so expectant it made Jeongguk's stomach squeeze together.

"I first want my hot beverage." Jeongguk cheekily grinned, hoping it was convincing enough. "Before I say anything."

Hoseok rolled his eyes at the boy but got up again nonetheless. "What do you want?"

"A hot caramel chocolate." Jeongguk said, reading the name from the nearby menu card. "Extra whipped cream too please."

He didn't have too much cash on him and ever since leaving the comforts of Taehyung's homemade food and overflow of snacks, he had been eating crappy things or not eating at all. Since Hoseok was treating him now, he could finally let himself relax and fill his tummy with delicious things.

As he watched Hoseok walk back to the café's counter, chatting up the man behind it, he got lost in thought. Should he talk to someone about what was on his mind? There wasn't anyone besides Hoseok interested in his troubles and it was the only person of his age around him. Maybe it could help getting his troubles out, voicing out his problems and it might help if he got advice from someone that wasn't Taehyung or his own crappy advice as well.

"Here you go." The mug filled with hot chocolate and whipped cream, littered with little colorful marshmallows was slid over to him. "Jeongguk?"

Jeongguk looked up from where he was staring at his slice of cake, his thoughts a jumbled mess. He quickly forced a fake smile when he caught the other's worried gaze. "Thank you."

Hoseok's expression didn't seem too convinced but if he thought anything of it he at least kept it to himself. He slid into his seat again and folded his fingers around the mug of tea he had bought for himself. "So." He began. "Why exactly are you sleeping in a motel?"

Jeongguk's eyes flitted from the hot chocolate in front of him to Hoseok's face. "I don't see why I have to tell you?"

"You don't have to tell me, it's not like I could force you." Hoseok chuckled dryly. "But I do know it can be relieving to get your worries off your chest."

That might be the case but you could judge me and tell everyone else and then my worries will be doubled.

When Jeongguk kept silent the other sighed. "Look, I know we haven't been the bestest of friends like ever, but that doesn't mean that we can't become friends."

It was true. Jeongguk didn't have anyone else to talk to and Hoseok wasn't a real friend yet but he was the next big thing. "Let's just say I couldn't stay at my home any longer and since I had nowhere else to go, I decided to rent a motel room for the moment." Jeongguk finally admitted.

"Isn't it expensive though?"

The boy shrugged and finally found the courage to pick up his fork and start eating the cake in front of him. "I picked a cheap one. I don't want to end up broke and on the corner of a street." He said once he was nibbling on the fluffy texture.

Hoseok seemed even more concerned now. "Can't you go home? Did something that terrible happen?" He tilted his head, eyes expectantly watching Jeongguk's movements as if he was trying to read his mind.

"I can't go back, yet. I promise you I can't."

Hoseok bit his lip, looking deep in thought all of a sudden. "I have an idea in mind." He spoke. "But I'm not sure if you're willing to participate."

"Let me hear it." Jeongguk responded. "I'm not sure if I'm willing to participate either since it's an idea from you."

Hoseok ignored his comments and leaned forward. "What if I tell you I could offer you a stay at my house?"

"Are you crazy?" Jeongguk commented. "Three weeks ago we hated each other's guts and now you're asking me to move in with you?"

The older boy huffed and snatched Jeongguk's plate away, the boy protesting when the cake was out of his reach. "Listen, I'm serious. My parents are constantly away and as an only child the house gets really silent. I could enjoy some company and since you don't have anywhere to go, you're the ideal company." Hoseok faltered at that. "Well- ideal company I shouldn't say-"

"I understand your point." Jeongguk interrupted. "But wouldn't it be weird though? And what if your parents come home and I'm there?"

"They don't care." Hoseok waved his questions away. "C'mon, it'll be great. I'll pay for your dinner every night."

Jeongguk frowned, suddenly feeling a shift in the air. He stared at the other boy and then it just clicked.

He understood.

Hoseok's words could be played off as casual but his eyes displayed another emotion. "You're paying me with food to stay at your house? You're a rich brat, I see." Jeongguk finally grinned. "Fine, I'll stay with you."

Maybe by doing this, they could help each other.

If you're confused dw it's normal. I gave a teeny tiny hint somewhere in the book about Hoseok but I don't think anyone picked up on it.

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