The Only Thing That Keeps Me

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Crawling out of his warm bed and into the cold arms of school was the hardest part of each day. Taehyung's room was a familiar sight to him to wake up to. The black and white bedsheets, the three beige walls with one deep red wall to break the monotone tone of the room and most of all, the snoring man sleeping beside him.

Taehyung was clad in a light brown shirt that accentuated his tan skin, his hair spread over the white pillow, the wispy curls pointing at each direction. Taehyung had closed his gym for the day to attend a boxing match in the afternoon that featured one of his trainees. The man had been stressing about it for the past week because the girl he had been training was up against a girl who wasn't afraid to get dirty in the ring.

Jeongguk slowly lifted the covers from his body and climbed out of bed, trying to be as silent as possible to let Taehyung peacefully sleep on without his presence next to him. He tip toed to the closet and got out some jeans and a hoodie that he wasn't quite sure of if it was his or if he had claimed it as his the second he became Taehyung's boyfriend.

The boy then headed to the bathroom to change into his attire for the day and then brush his teeth. He grabbed an apple from the counter to eat on his way to the bus and slid on his mud covered boots. With one last look over his shoulder, examining the sun slowly sliding upwards, the rays covering the table top through the window on the far side of the living room, he closed the door, knowing he'd be back soon in the warm embrace of his home.

"The faggot is causing trouble again."

Jeongguk's heart thudded against his ribcage and he spun around on his heels to face the jocks standing a few feet away from him. "What the fuck did you just call me?"

He had been politely minding his business coming out of detention (he might have shoved some girl into a row of dumpsters when she glanced at him the wrong way) and coming down the steps to make his way to the bus stop. His mood was a bit down since he had remembered how his boyfriend was supposed to treat his trainee for dinner, whether she had won or lost she had deserved a meal for the match either way – that was his boyfriend's wisdom.

He really wasn't in the mood to deal with a group of dumb jocks accusing him for merely existing.

The guy who had called him out nudged his second friend. The three boys all wore grins that could be labeled as either pure evil or innocent. "I called you a faggot cause that's what you are. We all saw your little boyfriend come pick you up yesterday. Thought we forgot about that?"

Jeongguk gritted his teeth. "He's not my boyfriend."

Oh what a sweet lie.

The first guy spoke again, a disgusted look flashing across his face. "Obviously he is and obviously you're a bottom."

"He's older than you, isn't he? Does he pry on little troublemaking boys? Are you with him to feed your daddy issues?", the other guy taunted.

Jeongguk's vision was slowly turning red, the anger in his veins flooding his entire body until his fists were shaking.

"Go back to your little boyfriend and leave us alone fag."

Jeongguk threw the first punch. He was seeing red and wasn't in the right state of mind to actually count the people he had started the fight with. The jocks were with five and another two of them had just come back out of the locker room when they saw Jeongguk punch one of their friends.

It was a mistake on his part. There were too many people and the parking lot was too empty for anyone to jump into the rescue. Jeongguk mentally scoffed to himself in his moment of panic when a fist hit him right on the jaw. As if anyone would rescue troublemaker Jeongguk.

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