Because I've Got All These Demons

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Not having to go to school and face his failures was seen as something good happening in Jeongguk's life. He didn't have to face his terrible teachers who thought of him as a loser, he didn't have to see the jocks that won the fight and he didn't have to glare back at people who had plenty of thoughts about him.

Many would consider being babied by their loved ones as a positive aspect as well but Jeongguk wanted it to stop. If he had been feeling like a nuisance before, the emotion had tripled. Taehyung canceled things for him, made him delicious food and stopped going outside as well. Jeongguk didn't want that.

Taehyung didn't have to suffer because of his stupid anger issues.

Once again Taehyung had told a trainee to postpone their training so he could care for his boyfriend. The man was currently in the kitchen, cooking bacon and humming a happy tune as he shuffled across the tiles.

Jeongguk watched his boyfriend through the gap of the door. He was spread out in bed, arms and legs flicked away so he could ignore the heat coming from the radiator. Taehyung was a cold person and loved putting the heater on the second it got a tiny bit colder outside.

It was too hot for Jeongguk now and so he had flung every blanket off the bed so he could cool down on the mattress.

"Are you pretending to be a star fish?" Taehyung leant against the doorway, his biceps bulging as he crossed his arms, the black shirt he wore slipped into his tight sweats.

Jeongguk playfully glared at the older man. "No, the heater is blasting my face off. It's like I'm trying to sleep next to the sun." Maybe he liked to overexaggerate a bit but it was indeed too fucking hot to be able to sleep.

For the past week Taehyung had been telling him all the right ways to get rid of a concussion. He had to sleep as much as possible, don't do any physical work, avoid any harsh lighting, loud noises, caffeine, any screen that could entertain his dull life or do anything close to living actually.

Worst of all, he had to stay hydrated and keep a light healthy diet.

Fuck, he was craving some fast-food. McDonalds was practically calling him from four blocks away.

"I'm so bored Taehyung", the boy whined. "There's nothing to do around here and you won't let me leave the bed."


Taehyung chuckled and did nothing but stare at him for a few moments with that knowing smile stretching his lips into their gorgeous rectangular shape. It was that same smile he gave Jeongguk whenever he did something adorably childish, something he wished to burn into his retinas like a tape recorder.

"You know," he began, sudden amidst the jovial silence that had laid atop them like a blanket, "maybe if you picked up a book every once in awhile you wouldn't be so bored—"

Jeongguk took immediate dislike to the proposition and launched a stray sock toward the spot where Taehyung's arms met in a cradle over his pectorals, watching with a wicked satisfaction as the man just about threw himself out of the doorway to avoid the thing.

They both watched as it fell to the floor with a sad thud, Taehyung wrinkling his nose when the odor finally made its way into his nostrils.

"You fucking imbecile, when was the last time you did your laundry?" Taehyung scowled, and Jeongguk praised himself for throwing the odorous garment when he got a wonderful view of Taehyung's ass while he bent to pick it up carefully between the very tips of his fingers.

Taehyung did, unfortunately, have a very very nice backside, and Jeongguk found himself gnawing on his bottom lip while eyeing the perky swell where it disappeared beneath the waistband of his sweats.

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