Bonus Chapter One

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Sweat trickled down his back and his shirt got clammy, sticking to his skin and feeling it move every time he ducked down to avoid a punch to the head. Jungkook's footwork still hadn't improved and he could feel his trainer's eyes on him, staring down at his feet, judging his poor abilities.

Taehyung was a kind soul but a tough man to please when it came to boxing. After Jungkook was finally beaten, fallen to the floor while his rival merely huffed at his win, he knew he had disappointed Taehyung. The college student watched the winner exit the ring and then tapped Jungkook's foot that was half out of the ring. When Jungkook looked up, he came eye to eye with a visibly displeased Taehyung.

"What did I tell you about your footwork."

The high school student let his head fall back and huffed, not ready for the scolding he was about to be given. He could stand physical pain but to have someone else be disappointed in him – someone he respected – now that was something he tried his hardest to avoid.

Jungkook might have only been sixteen, but he knew enough about pain. He knew what pain was when his father bailed on him and his mother, leaving them with financial troubles and mental scars that would never heal. Jungkook knew what pain was when his mother came home drunk or when she hit her head on the counter after smoking too many things and he had to drag her onto the couch and steal the neighbor's med kit. He knew all too well how painful it was to be punched in the gut by jocks or to get smacked by his mother after one of her strange days where she seemed to be disconnected to the world.

Pain was all he knew, it was all he believed it, he hadn't known much else in his life.

That was until Taehyung came along. Jungkook had never expected the boy to become someone he could trust and someone he respected. Taehyung listened to him, talked with him about his day and brought him food whenever he felt like Jungkook hadn't eaten yet.

On some days Jungkook imagined the halo that must have been floating above Taehyung's head. How else could the college boy exist?

Jungkook was sixteen at that moment and hadn't ever thought about real love. He only knew about everything bad that came with love. The heartbreak, the mistrust, the pain it brought when the one you loved didn't love you back – even parental figures.

Taehyung climbed into the ring with him and shook Jungkook. "C'mon, let's get over your footwork once again before I'll kick your ass for loitering in the boxing ring."

Jungkook was pulled up by Taehyung and they found themselves only inches apart, breaths cut off in shock at the realization how close they really were. Jungkook was the first one to take a step back, confused and scared at the rapid beating of his heart at that moment. Taehyung himself was surprised he hadn't actually pressed forward and kissed Jungkook in that moment. To him it wasn't a secret that he liked the boy, had formed a little crush on him but often found himself cursing because of it.

Jungkook was still a minor and had obvious traumas. Taehyung didn't want to feel like he was taking advantage of Jungkook's vulnerable state because he got the sense Jungkook might see him as a figure he looked up to. He cared for the boy and cooked for him, but his heart yearned to be closer to him.

Was it wrong to feel that way? Jungkook wasn't even that much younger, though at this age it was wrong. Once they were twenty and up it'd be fine. Maybe Taehyung could wait until then and maybe ask Jungkook out if the boy was still single by then.

It didn't go according to plan. Taehyung hadn't expected the sexual tension to rise that quickly and to a certain point of no return. One second they were boxing, the other moment Taehyung had Jungkook pushed up against the side of the ring, eyes locked onto each other, though no initiative was taken.

Taehyung didn't want to be the one to start the whole thing and so he awaited Jungkook's move. A lot of emotions flashed in Jungkook's eyes at that moment: lust, doubt, confusion, the boy wasn't sure what to feel. Taehyung eventually backed off and resumed the training session as if nothing had happened: though both were aware this had changed everything.

Jungkook had always loved watching Taehyung take someone apart in the ring. He adored sitting at the side, looking how the other almost danced around his opponent before he struck them down with a tough right hand.

Five years ago Jungkook wouldn't have known what to do with the feelings he'd feel when watching Taehyung box. He'd get scared by them and confuse them with respect and mere envy of wanting to be like taehyung.

Now, as a twenty one year old he could say that what he felt when he watched Taehyung was a mixture of pride (because that was his boyfriend, that was his man) and lust (because a sweat drenched, angry looking but calculated Taehyung was extremely hot).

When Taehyung had effectively beaten one of his former trainees – who had playfully challenged him to a fight – Jungkook jumped up. The trainee left the ring, but not after sharing a good but pained laugh with Taehyung, and then went back to his friends who had been making use of the gym.

Jungkook jogged over to the ring and jumped into it so he could tackle his boyfriend into an aggressive hug. Taehyung almost yelped as he was caught into Jeongguk's arms but he laughed as he felt the obvious boner pressed against his thigh.

"Someone got excited by watching me pound someone to a bloody mess", Taehyung chuckled, turning around.

Jungkook silently moaned at the friction and he ducked down to hide his flushed cheeks. "I hoped you'd give me a good pounding as well – in the satisfying sense."

This made the other laugh again – but who was he to deny his darling of anything? Though, he did want to make it a challenge. "Let's see if that footwork of yours is still as terrible as before", he said, "If you manage to hit me once, I'll give you the pounding of your life."

Jungkook rolled his eyes at his boyfriend's silly behavior but nodded. "Sure, good sir, I'll make sure to kick your ass so you can worship mine later."

Please look forward to the short story I'll post on my other account autumnawe called Little Death.

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