From Diving Off The Deep End

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Jeongguk was back in his old room which was almost barren except for the ducktape cross trying to cover up the hole he had made when punching the wall after finding out about his mother's pregnancy all those years ago.

His mother had left the apartment a short while ago and he figured she had gone out to buy weed or some other type of drug. It seemed she had gone through her whole drug supply and that her being sober was only the cause of her dealer's shipment delay.

What a grand life he was living.

Now he was left alone in his old bedroom, staring up at the ceiling where cracks and spiderwebs were visible. His body was aching but he was sure they would be no pain meds available in the cabinet since his mother loved to use them whenever she ran out of other things to numb herself with.

So he allowed the throbbing of his bruised ribs and multiple bruises to rush through him while the ringing in his head - caused by the concussion - got louder the longer the silence stretched on.

For a split second he wondered why Taehyung hadn't called yet before realizing his phone wasn't near him and so he had no clue whether to determine if his boyfriend had called already or not.

The answer was easy.

He had called. A lot of times. After trying to contact Jeongguk several times and then seeing that an unknown number had called him, leaving a voice message about Jeon Jeongguk being in the hospital and him being his emergency contact had left him panicking on the spot.

He had arrived home from dinner and had expected to find his lovely boyfriend cuddled up on the couch with a blanket watching anime like most times. Jeongguk loved being a blanket burrito and getting smothered in kisses by his boyfriend with no way of escape because his limbs were trapped in the soft cocoon.

But the apartment was empty and there had been no sign of Jeongguk ever having come home after school.

He had called the hospital back and got confirmation that everything was alright with his boyfriend and that his mother had come to pick him up, that piece of information not quite comforting Taehyung's nerves.

He had rushed to Jeongguk's old place after that, wanting to see for himself if his little one was alright and kiss him until he got better.


The knocks on the door got more frantic and Jeongguk scrunched his eyebrows together when he recognized the deep familiar voice of his boyfriend. With a lot of difficulty he managed to get out of bed, his ribs throbbing with vigor as he shuffled across the room towards the living room and hall.

He had been right before. His left leg had indeed gotten kicked and his knee had started swelling which did not make walking any easier. As he finally reached the door and unlocked it he was relieved to know

He peeked through the doorway. "Hi".

Taehyung gasped loudly and bumped against the door, hands out to cradle the boy's face. "What--what did they do to you?"

His nose had a bandaid across his bridge and he had a bandage on his forehead and purple colored his jaw while his eye colored a bright blue.

"I'm fine."

His voice had gotten hoarse after not speaking for a while. He hadn't said a word to the nurses or his mother. He hadn't answered anyone's questions about who had done to this to him and if he wanted to file a complaint.

Why would he do that if he had deserved it? He had beaten up people before. Who says they hadn't been in an even worse condition?

The door was finally open and Jeongguk had shuffled backwards, escaping the grip on his face. Taehyung noticed the other's pained expression when he tried walking and came forward. "Oh darling, come here."

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