Nobody Can See Them

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It was two in the afternoon on a rainy Saturday and Jungkook's tummy was rumbling. He had eaten some cereal for lunch but his stomach was already craving something else. Jeongguk rather ignored his tummy and kept scrolling through the information brochure he was carefully reading, his eyes feeling tired from the two-hour research he had been doing.

Do I want to do this?

Jeongguk let a sigh escape his lips when he looked at the websites currently staring back at him, all displaying another major he could study. He thought back to Taehyung's sister's words during Christmas dinner and wondered what his passion was. Nothing really was his first instinct, but he did wonder if this was the truth.

There had to be a purpose for him, there had to be something he could do. Call him dumb, but he did believe there was some purpose for him in the world. One website stood out to him more than the others but he was too insecure to even think about the possibility of doing something like that. Would people take him seriously when he told them about his past mistakes and then telling them about his studies? They'd laugh at him.

A troublemaker teaching kids how to stay out of trouble? It seemed a bit too ironic to be true.


The boy clapped the laptop shut and smiled at Taehyung whose face peeked between the door and the frame. He fumbled with the collar of his shirt that popped out from beneath his grey sweater. "I'm going out with Seokjin today to prepare him for his date tonight. I'll be back around five."

The boy nodded and his feet squirmed underneath the blanket. "Alright."

He didn't want to tell Taehyung about his possible plans for college yet because he didn't want to get the man's hopes up. What if his grades suddenly went down again and the only job he could get was at McDonald's? He didn't want to see his boyfriend disappointed in him.

Jeongguk slipped out of bed once he heard the front door close and wandered into the kitchen in search of snacks. He instinctively went for his favorite cabinet that held all the crisps and peanuts and technically just all the good stuff that was bad for your body.

He jumped from one foot to the other because of the lack of socks on his feet and the cold kitchen floor. The boy reached forward to grab crisps with sea salt before swinging his hip to close the cabinet. The packet was popped open and then the boy was stuffing his mouth with the salted crisps, his tummy rumbling in contentment.

A soft buzzing could be heard from the living room which made Jeongguk's eyebrows furrow and then he was padding into the living room, eyes searching for whatever was making the noise. His attention was caught by the lit-up screen of his phone that was buzzing on the coffee table. He jumped onto the couch and grabbed the device, his stomach bubbling with excitement that it could be Hoseok asking him to come over.

He really wanted to see Clover again. She was just such a cutie.

To his disappointment, the number wasn't Hoseok's though the name displayed on his screen did make his curiosity spike. He pressed the phone against his ear and spoke, "Hi."

"Hi Jungkookie!" The higher-pitched voice on the other side hadn't changed a bit in the past two years. It was still as happy as ever.

Jeongguk pushed the packet of crisps off his lap before lying down onto the couch. "Jimin hyung! It's been a while. How's life in China?" Jimin hadn't actually ever called Jeongguk before. He was first and foremost Taehyung's best friend but that didn't mean they were the greatest friends. He had only known Jimin for one year before the man moved away for work.

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