And Even When I Hit The Bottom

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"I can't believe your mother actually framed this picture for us."

Taehyung glanced at the picture Jeongguk had unwrapped from its confinements. A smile appeared on his lips as he thought about his mother who had the picture enlarged and framed so the couple would think back at the fireworks and smile every time they passed the frame.

"We promised to hang it in the apartment so hang it up somewhere and then I can send her a picture as proof," Taehyung told him. "Otherwise, we'll never hear the end of it."

Jeongguk hummed and looked around the place, wondering where the picture should go. He didn't want to hang it in the hall because Hoseok would surely make fun of him and he couldn't handle more teasing than he already had to withstand, but he also didn't want to hide the picture by hanging it in the bedroom for instance.

"What about in the living room, next to the painting your sister made?" He nudged Taehyung who was stirring some vegetables for dinner. The man looked up and nodded. "Sure, it can go wherever you want darling."

Even though the picture was more concealed now, it still drew the attention of visitors. Seokjin had called it cute but almost so sweet it was vomit-inducing. "You're just jealous you have no one." Taehyung had chuckled before ducking down to avoid a pillow coming his way.

Hoseok had glanced at the picture before pretending to puke which made a pillow fly his way. Jeongguk didn't agree with their friends' reactions. He could only smile when his eyes fell on the picture. Because of the dark night and the bright fireworks, the picture wasn't that clear but it was still a heartwarming moment to look back to.

"Guess what."

Jeongguk glanced at his friend who was sprawled on his couch, feet resting on Jeongguk's lap. "What?" He questioned. Hoseok had seemed to be bothered by something ever since he came over to visit because the first thing he did when being let in, was drop himself onto the couch and grab a pillow to hug.

"I was thinking." The boy started, eyes cast to the ceiling. "Since my parents are always out, and the only thing I got for Christmas was a message from them to tell me they'd be gone longer than expected, I was kind of mulling about buying myself a present."

His friend's head shot up at this, hands grabbing onto Hoseok's ankles. "They didn't come home for Christmas?" Jeongguk asked, alarmed by this news. "Why didn't you tell me?"

"Because I knew you'd try to stay in town to keep me company and I didn't want that." Hoseok waved the other's worries away as he glanced down to see his friend's reaction. "I was invited by Yoongi to celebrate Christmas with them and their friends. It was kind of fun."

This relieved his friend, though he was still a bit annoyed Hoseok had been left alone for Christmas by his parents. "That's good to hear then. So, what are you planning on buying for yourself?"

Hoseok went back to fumbling with the pillow in his arms, his fingers running over the soft grey material. "Well, since I'm alone all the time and my parents don't seem to care what happens at home, I thought I'd buy a dog." Hoseok piped up.

"A dog?"

The boy nodded. "They could keep me company and animals really cheer me up. How can you not be happy when there's a dog cuddling up to you?"

Jeongguk hummed in thought. "It doesn't sound like a bad plan." He had asked Taehyung about getting a dog before, but the man had reminded him about possible university plans. Jeongguk would be broken to leave the dog behind.

Well, if he could live with leaving Taehyung behind, he could surely part ways with a dog as well.

Speaking about college- "Did you check your grades already?" He asked Hoseok, surprising the boy with the sudden change in subject. Jeongguk didn't often like talking about school, especially not when it entailed exams.

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