Bonus Chapter Four

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Jeongguk clasped Taehyung's hand in his and felt how the older intertwined their fingers. It was a lovely day and the park was starting to flourish with colors due to spring having arrived merely a week ago. Taehyung had urged Jeongguk to step outside for once. The younger had been infatuated with a new game lately and hadn't seen the sunshine in what Taehyung thought had been at least eight days.

Jeongguk grumbled at first. He had been in the middle of playing Resident Evil Village, simping over how hot Heisenberg was until he was suddenly grabbed by the collar by Taehyung. The man had quite literally dragged Jeongguk to the front door before urging him to put on some shoes. "I know you have a thing for deep-voiced men but really, darling, you have me already." Taehyung had said before throwing a jacket at him.

Jeongguk felt Taehyung squeeze his hand as they took the dirt path up to the hill. Right on top of the hill was the children's playground and for a lovely day, as it was, a lot of kids were running around.

Jeongguk's heart still picked up speed whenever he held Taehyung's hand in public. It wasn't because of his own judgment but because of that of others. Especially at the park, where parents didn't want homosexuality to be seen by their children, he felt most uneasy. "Aw look", Taehyung pulled Jungkook to a halt so they could sit down on a bench close to the playground, "She looks just like you."

Jungkook frowned and looked at the kid Taehyung was hinting at. The small girl had big doe eyes as she tried making a sandcastle with her little brother. When she smiled, a pair of bunny teeth were visible behind her upper lip. "That's just because of the teeth", Jungkook huffed.

"And the sparkly doe eyes", Taehyung grinned, his hand coming up to squish the boy's cheek, "Can't look past those eyes.

A pink hue appeared on Jeongguk's cheeks and he pulled his chin away from the other's hold. "What about that kid then?", he nodded at a taller boy with brown curly hair. The boy was watching another boy step on the girl's sandcastle. The boy then raced over and pushed the boy to the ground.

"That'd be so you", Jungkook snickered, "Protecting everyone by knocking them out."

"I'd say that's also you", Taehyung said, "Or maybe you're the kid that was pushed to the ground." The boy who had been pushed now got up again before jumping onto the curly-haired one. Both of them tumbled to the ground. "You're feisty like that."

Jeongguk couldn't help but let his eyes sweep across the children. In one he saw Taehyung's nose, in one his own eyes. A swarm of butterflies fluttered in his tummy at the thought of them having a child. Unfortunately, the two of them creating a child would be impossible.

"I want a kid", Jeongguk exclaimed before leaning back against the older's chest. His bottom lip jutted out into a soft pout.

"You want to steal one?" Taehyung questioned with a chuckle.

Jeongguk glanced back and met the other's eye. "No, I wanna raise one with you."

Taehyung's ears burned and his heart soared at the thought of Jeongguk wanting to raise a kid with him. "Aren't you sick of children already?" He asked. He raised his hand to run his fingers through his boyfriend's hair. "You see them every day at work."

"That's different", Jeongguk said, "Our kid would be better than all of them combined. They'd have your intelligence, my wit, your kind heart, my right hook."

Taehyung snorted. "You're going to raise them to be a fighter?"

"I'm going to raise them to not let any pricks mess with them", Jeongguk explained passionately, "He's going to have a dad who was once a boxing champion, and another dad who got into school fights whenever he could. That kid is going to let nobody mess with them."

"And we won't let anyone mess with them either", Taehyung smiled, his hand coming up to cup the boy's jaw, "I love you so much." He pecked the boy's button nose and watched Jeongguk's eyes go starry. "And I would love to have a kid with you."

Jeongguk giggled, "I love you too Taehyungie."

They both knew adopting a kid wouldn't be without any trouble, especially in their country. But they couldn't help but dream how it'd be for them to raise a kid. Jeongguk imagined how many video games he'd play with his kid, which recipes Taehyung would teach them, the books the kid would read because Taehyung wanted his kid to know all the classics, the several hobbies Jeongguk would try out with the kid just to find their passion - something Jeongguk had lacked for most of his life.

"We'd be amazing parents", Taehyung spoke, bringing the boy closer into his embrace, "And I already have a few potential babysitters in mind who wouldn't detest looking after a kid."

"Are you thinking about Hoseok because he's good with dogs?" Jeongguk asked him, tracing the man's veins. The older's hand was wrapped around his waist and Jeongguk couldn't help but be still mesmerized by the large hand that engulfed his own so easily. "Because he almost forgot to feed her for three days. I don't want my baby to starve."

"Yoongi and Namjoon wouldn't be too bad at it", Taehyung reasoned, "I heard Yoongi's been having a baby fever for the past year. Apparently, that's why Namjoon adopted that puppy."

Jeongguk chuckled, "Will you adopt a puppy for me as well?"

"You are the puppy", Taehyung smiled and kissed Jeongguk's nose.

Only one more to go! Also if you liked reading my book Dark Waters I'd recommend you read my new book "The Ballad Of The Supernatural". Join me on a new adventure!  (❛◡˂̵ ̑̑✧)

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