And You're The Reason

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Jeongguk was eventually lured outside when the smell of sizzling pork was wafting from underneath the bathroom door.

The boy didn't want to talk to Taehyung about what happened in the car and an hour had passed ever since he locked himself inside without speaking a word to his boyfriend.

He had no clue what Taehyung had been up to for the past hour. He had heard the door to the gym close and he remembered thinking Taehyung had left him out of anger, finally having enough of his younger boyfriend.

It was a given. One day Taehyung had to realize that Jeongguk was just too young for him, too childish and stubborn to be deserving of his love.

It was only a matter of time before the man would leave him for someone better and then Jeongguk would be back with his sick mother, wondering if he'd ever accept himself for who he was or live his life denying his true feelings and eventually settle on being alone until the end of his days.

Those exact thoughts were the ones that crept on him at night and left his heart frozen in fear even when the man he was afraid of losing was right there next to him in bed, arms closed around him.

Though now, wasn't the time to dwell on these things.

Taehyung had already noticed the sound of the bathroom door unlocking as he flipped the slices of pork around in the pan. Some broth was bubbling on the stove, noodles already swimming inside the soup as vegetables drifted alongside them.

Soft footsteps ventured closer to the doorway of the kitchen and two eyes peeked from around the corner to watch Taehyung stir the homemade food, both of his sleeves rolled up to show his tan arms that displayed only two tattoos.

A paper crane on the inside of his wrist and three little stars that rested just underneath his elbow.

My little stars Taehyung had once said when Jeongguk had traced around the tattoos, all three of them indicating a person close to Taehyung who had been lost to the world.

His father. His grandmother. And finally his little sister.

Sometimes Jeongguk wondered if he'd be a star on Taehyung's skin when he died, or if he wasn't as deserving of the ink as the people already tattooed on him.

"I'm unsure why you're head's so full of cotton today darling, but dinner's ready and I don't want you losing anymore weight than you already have."

Jeongguk blinked at the words spoken to him, the world coming back into view after he had zoned out of it. Taehyung was already sitting at the dinner table, hands folded on top of his plate as he gazed at Jeongguk with a sort of pain he couldn't decipher.

Jeongguk knew he had caused that pain. He was also highly aware of the fact that the pain was not from him yelling at Taehyung and getting mad. No, it was because Jeongguk had shut his boyfriend out and didn't want to confide him with personal problems.

Taehyung had always made sure Jeongguk had a home to return to where he could talk about his feelings and how he was handling things.

But now he had shut Taehyung out. Had locked both a mental and physical door between them that couldn't be unlocked by merely finding the key.

Jeongguk would have to toughen up and unlock the door from the inside to invite Taehyung in and tell him what was bothering him and how it was slowly ruining his life.

But now was not the time to do that. The food was slowly going cold and Taehyung's stare was getting more painful to avoid and so he walked forward to his chair and scraped it backwards.

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