Well, at first I thought

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Jeongguk eyes fluttered open from the nudge at his side and the sunlight filtering in through the window. A soft groan slipped out of lips before his teeth sank into his bottom lip when he felt hands slip down his boxers, kneading his bum.

"Still sore darling?"

A whine of displeasure was heard inside the room and then Taehyung was chuckling when he rubbed his nose against his boyfriend's nose. Jeongguk scrunched his nose at the sappiness and with a weak push he tried to get his mushy boyfriend away.

"You're too damn happy this early in the morning."

Taehyung didn't care for the other's mood and rolled closer to his boyfriend. His arms caging the other in his hold. "You're too damn grumpy in the morning."

He was right. Jeongguk was a grumpy boy in the early mornings – early being everything before 12 pm. "You have a doctor's appointment today, you remember right?"

"Yes Taehyung, I hit my head, I didn't lose it."

"You did more than just hit your head", Taehyung muttered, obviously not too happy. Jeongguk still hadn't explained how exactly he had ended up in the hospital. In his defense, he didn't have a clue how he had ended up in the hospital either because he was pretty sure he had passed out in the school's parking lot.

The doctor had vaguely told him something about them getting a call for an ambulance but nobody had joined him in the ambulance and neither did they have any real contact info about the person either. The only thing he knew was the fact that a boy from his school had made the call and that wasn't much information to go on.

"So I can finally leave the bed today?" Finally he could go out into the world again and actually do stuff instead of being bored out of his mind.

"Yes, you can and if everything goes well you'll be able to go to school again."

Jeongguk's yay was filled with sarcasm and he felt Taehyung shortly squeeze him tight to assure him that he had picked up on the sarcasm. "Let's get you showered and dressed and fed before we take a trip to the hospital."

Jeongguk's grumpy mood had washed away after seeing the bacon presented on his plate for breakfast and with hopeful eyes he stared at Taehyung. "For me?"

"Yes, for you. When the doctor tells you you're good to go we might also get some fastfood tonight."

Jeongguk's day couldn't get any better.

⭒❃.✮:▹ 🥊 ◃:✮.❃⭒

The doctor's visit didn't take too long and before Jeongguk realized it, he was on his way to school the following morning, nervous about what the day may bring.

Many students probably noticed his disappearance and the jocks would have probably gloated about them being the reason the annoying troublemaker was gone.

Unfortunately for them, he was back.

Eyes followed his every move as he stepped inside the school building and made his way to his locker. A group of girls he passed whispered among themselves and he could see a jock nudge another one, both displeased and shocked by his presence.

"Look at you making an entrance."

Jeongguk snapped his head towards the voice appearing from his right shoulder. An annoyingly blinding grin with a pair of twinkeling eyes greeted him.

"What do you want Hoseok?" whatever it was he wasn't in the mood to deal with him.

Hoseok's grin melted into a grim face and his whole demeanor turned serious. "I was actually here to talk to you about something."

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