Demons, Demons, Demons

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Jeongguk wiped the sweat off his brow as soon as he dropped the heavy bag from his shoulder onto the welcome mat. The scent of pork broth hung heavy in the air and the ever so familiar humming sound drifting into his direction made a smile appear on his lips. Once the man traveled further into the apartment he watched his boyfriend shake his hips to the tune of some Shakira song he was listening to on the radio. Jeongguk grinned. "My man got moves."

Taehyung, surprised by the sudden appearance of his boyfriend, turned around, oven mitts on. Jeongguk raised an eyebrow at the oven mitts and neared the man whose brown hair had been pulled into a bun because of his lack of interest to book an appointment at the hairdressers. "What are you making?" Jeongguk asked, going on his tiptoes to press a soft kiss to the man's nose. "I thought I smelled pork broth but why is the oven on?"

"Because", Taehyung mused before squatting down to point at the oven, "I'm baking a cake."

"A cake?" Jeongguk wondered, "Why are you making a cake? Did I forget someone's birthday?"

Jeongguk sauntered over to the calendar and his eyes swept across the different dates. "The only thing that is near is Clover's birthday", he spun around on his heels with an unamused look in his eyes, "Don't tell me you're baking a cake for a dog?"

Taehyung chuckled and quickly shook his head, "No darling, there's something else you're forgetting." Taehyung wandered over to where his bright blue agenda was situated and he tossed it over to Jeongguk. The man caught it and frowned at the writing in bold letters that were written on that exact day. "Work?" Jeongguk muttered.

"It's been exactly one year since you started your job at kindergarten", Taehyung beamed and he threw his hands in the air, "And so you get an anniversary cake."

Jeongguk couldn't stop the fond smile from appearing on his lips, though he also rolled his eyes at the info. "You are honestly too good for this world." He went over to his boyfriend and pressed a longing kiss to his lips, "I don't think I deserve you."

"Tough luck", Taehyung smiled before pecking the man's lips again, "Cause you also deserve this cake."

It had been a year since Jeongguk started the job, and so that meant that a little over a year ago he had successfully graduated college. He was twenty-five years old, a college graduate, a school teacher, and still a fool who was madly in love with Taehyung.

"Has mom called?" He asked once they had settled down for dinner, "I think she had her first trip to the supermarket today."

His mother wasn't in rehab any longer but had been transferred to a mental institute where they helped her with the bipolar disorder she had been diagnosed with. She hadn't touched any drug-related item or cigarette over the past five years but she still was found unable to live by herself. Jeongguk wasn't sure if they'd ever let her out, and if he was honest, these past years locked up were the best his mother had ever looked.

Three years ago she had actually shown up during visiting hours and for the first time, they had talked. She had yelled at Jeongguk at first, and cussed until she couldn't come up with any new insult. Then, she cried and she didn't stop crying until visiting hours were over.

The next few sessions weren't any better but at least Jeongguk could just sit with her without having any physical things thrown at him. He didn't have to fear her any longer.

They talked now. Jeongguk would tell her about university, then about his new job. He'd talk to her about Taehyung to make sure his mother knew he was still with the man and very happily in love.

"Have you heard from Hoseok lately?" Taehyung asked as he chewed on some noodles, "How's his master thesis coming along?"

"I think he's doing fine", Jeongguk replied, "I'm unsure if that's either because of his thesis or because of this new girl he's seeing."

"He's over Saya?", Taehyung sounded surprised, "Last week he was begging you to go clubbing so he could forget about her."

"And that club's exactly where he met the new girl", Jeongguk said, "Good thing I didn't tag along, or I would have been third-wheeling, watching him suck a girl's face off."

"He has been forced to watch you suck my face off plenty of times before now", Taehyung commented. Jeongguk only shrugged.

"I figured that was hot for him to watch."

"I think Hoseok was more or less uncomfortable all of the time when that happened."

"Anyway", Jeongguk waved Taehyung's words away, "Did you hear from Jimin then? Wasn't the baby's date planned somewhere this week? We still haven't bought them anything!"

"We'll go to the store tomorrow. I saw a cute big teddy bear behind the shop window last week and I think it'd make a great present together with the expensive baby bear blanket Seokjin has gotten personally tailored for Jimin's baby boy."

"Of course he's gotten something personally tailored", Jeongguk rolled his eyes, "Flaunting his money everywhere without a care."

"You didn't complain when he got you that expensive watch for your birthday last year, or when he gave me my Christmas present which was two tickets to go to Hawaii. You didn't at all complain back then." Jeongguk's eyes flitted up to watch the cheeky grin on his boyfriend's lips widen.

"Shut up", he muttered.

"Or what?"

Taehyung challenged him and Jeongguk wanted to reply but felt his tummy rumble.

"Or I'll make you- as soon as this food is in my stomach and I have taken a hot shower to get all the kids' grabby hands off my skin."

Taehyung belted out a laugh, "Sounds fine by me darling."




THANK YOU for following the adventures of bratty kook & his soft boyfriend taehyung.

It's been a wild ride and I couldn't have done it without all of your support <3 There will be a bunch of bonus chapters & of course there's a new book in line that had been waiting for this one to be finished.

Again, thank you for reading and I'll see you next time!

Red Revenge:

start July 15th 2020

end: March 22th 2021

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