You Kept Me Alive

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The frustration seeped out of Taehyung from the morning on. The man was pacing around the gym, eyes hard and body tense as he waited for one of his trainees to come in and explain himself. Jeongguk watched his boyfriend with careful eyes as he sat on the staircase that led from the gym to their apartment. He was clad in black joggers and a thick grey hoodie, the hood covering his messy ebony hair.

A phone call had woken them up at seven in the morning. Jeongguk had grumbled something and snuggled deeper into his pillow, legs curled up to maintain some of the warmth as Taehyung moved beside him. The man had grabbed his phone and disappeared into the kitchen to not disturb his younger boyfriend from falling asleep again.

From then on his mood had turned sour. When Jeongguk had woken up again and had been finally able to roll out of bed, he could already feel that something was off. Taehyung was seated in the kitchen, staring at his cup of coffee, hands curled around the mug.

"Taehyung?" He had uttered softly, nearing the man.

He hadn't forgotten about their talk yesterday night but he didn't feel as if this was the right moment to talk. His boyfriend had glanced up from his coffee and had offered him a barely visible smile. Jeongguk had frowned at that and quickly made his way over to his seat, which was Taehyung's lap. He had pushed the man's chair back and shimmied his way onto his lap, effectively creating a brighter smile on Taehyung's face.

"That's better." Jeongguk had chimed, pressing himself against the man's chest. "What's wrong?"

Hands had enclosed around his waist, squeezing the soft skin as he still was shirtless. Jeongguk had melted into the large warm hands and nuzzled his nose into the man's shoulder. "Ji-Hoon called," Taehyung had muttered. "He got into a bar fight yesterday. He broke his hand and won't be able to compete in tomorrow's game."

Jeongguk racked his brain for the familiar name until he realized who exactly this man was supposed to be. "You mean, the regional's? Isn't he your most promising trainee?"

"Was." Taehyung corrected. "Until he got stupid enough to fuck up his chances."

The man had let out a deep sigh, his chest deflating against Jeongguk's. "I spent all this time and effort into training him and one drunken night messes the whole year up. He wanted to win regional's and hoped to enter national's next year January".

"Did you scold him?" Jeongguk had questioned. The hands on his naked skin had been rubbing so gently that he was almost lulled back to sleep. "He must've felt bad as well."

"I told him I was disappointed in him. His guilt alone will make him feel bad enough." Taehyung's lips pulled down in a frown. Jeongguk didn't like seeing his boyfriend this down and so he quickly pressed a kiss to those lips.

"Come back to bed. You need more sleep." Jeongguk whispered but a soft whine escaped him when Taehyung squeezed his waist.

"I don't think we'll be sleeping darling." Taehyung got up from the chair, feeling the younger's legs wrap around him. He captured Jeongguk's lips with his own, taking control like it was his second nature. The younger boy ran his fingers through his curls, his body steadied by the large hands holding his thighs.

Taehyung swept his tongue across the boy's bottom lip and tilted his head to the side to deepen the kiss. In response Jeongguk opened his mouth and whined when the kiss deepened and he realized Taehyung had brought them into the bedroom.

His back softly hit the mattress beneath him and his legs finally dropped from the man's waist, feeling the strain in them. He slid them open so Taehyung could rest in between, hands now wandering to the boy's chest that shuddered beneath his touch. Jeongguk moved his head back, effectively exposing his neck while the other trailed kisses down his jaw, eliciting moans from the other.

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