You Forgave Me

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hi! i made something and i'm quite excited about it. If you like this story please consider supporting me through ko-fi (something like patreon) it would be much appreciated :) link is in my bio! it's brand new made today

Jeongguk hummed a tune as he washed the last dish, ridding it of any speck of tomato sauce. He grabbed the towel resting on his shoulder and dried the plate before sliding it into its place in the cabinet. Taehyung was currently downstairs, flicking off the lights and locking the doors after the last customer left.

The tune Jeongguk was humming seemed happy but it was merely to conceal his nervousness. They were going to talk about what happened yesterday night and the longer Jeongguk thought about it and the more the clock ticked by, he began doubting about what he was going to say. He felt childish for yesterday's antics and he'd feel embarrassed to tell Taehyung about his thoughts now.

The door to the kitchen opened and Taehyung sauntered inside, seemingly relaxed. He wandered over to where Jeongguk was pulling the plug to get rid of the dirty water and wrapped an arm around his waist. "Darling." He hummed into the boy's ear. "Thank you for doing the dishes."

"It's the least I could do." Jeongguk grinned, spinning around in the embrace to press a kiss to Taehyung's lips. The older man smiled in the innocent kiss and pressed Jeongguk's body closer to his.

"Don't get distracted now." Taehyung grinned when Jeongguk tried chasing his lips. His finger came up to boop the boy's nose. "We said we'd talk."

Jeongguk pouted and pressed a kiss to his boyfriend's jaw. "How's your old man memory so good?"

"Careful you," Taehyung said, squeezing the boy's waist. "This old man knows how to wreck you." When he noticed the glint appearing in his boyfriend's eyes, he took a step back. "But he's not going to do that now, Jeongguk. Come sit down and talk."

Jeongguk groaned at the voice of authority, knowing he couldn't say no to Taehyung when he turned daddy dom.

They took a seat in the living room, Jeongguk sitting on one side of the couch so he could watch Taehyung's facial expression change in case the man would get mad or disappointed. Taehyung swung one leg over his other. "So." Taehyung began. "Yesterday night."

Jeongguk nodded, feeling himself grow small instantly. He didn't like this sort of conversation because he knew he was the one at fault here. "You went on a date with Seokjin."

Taehyung stared at him. "It wasn't a date."

"I know that." Jeongguk averted his gaze, feeling intimidated. He knew it wasn't a date but he couldn't label it as something else.

Taehyung tilted his head, his usual soft brown eyes squinted. "Then why did you call it that."

"Because." Jeongguk's arms encircled his legs, pulling them closer. "I can't help but feel Seokjin would be a better match for you?"

Taehyugn bit his tongue before speaking what he wanted to say and took a deep breath. He wanted to hear the other's point of view. "And why exactly is that?"

"He's older, mature, caring, has no anger issues and doesn't end up in the hospital and worry you because of it. He probably has a real family, his life in order because he has a job and an actual penthouse." Jeongguk counted the reasons on his fingers. "He doesn't live in your house like a hermit."

"You can be really impossible sometimes Jeongguk." Taehyung immediately responded with a shake of the head.

The other frowned at that. "What do you mean?"

"How can you be so blind? I'm head over heels for you. You disappeared and I patiently waited for your return. You called me once and I was ready to risk my life for you. How can you still think there are others out there that appeal to me at all?"

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