Hiding Underneath

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Biology class was a real drag but Jeongguk survived the hour by thinking of today's lunch. Hoseok was going to treat him because of his help with Clover. As soon as the bell rang Jeongguk hopped out of his chair before scurrying outside to make a quick stop in the bathroom.

When he stepped back out again he navigated his way through the crowd all trying to get to the cafeteria as soon as possible. Jeongguk brushed shoulders with some students who stepped out of his way, knowing his reputation though he hadn't been in any big fights since a few months ago.

Jeongguk didn't really care about the other students until he stepped around a corner before he halted in his tracks, ears perking up at a familiar voice threatening an unfamiliar victim. Through the crowd he could see that a young boy was pressed against a locker, his path blocked by someone from Jeongguk's class who was friends with the same people who had beaten Jeongguk into the hospital.

The boy's eyes were wet, facial expression filled with fear as the guy in front of him had his hand around the boy's throat, obviously not exerting a lot of pressure but it scared the freshman either way. Jeongguk frowned at the scene.

"Listen here you fag." The guy spat at the trembling boy. "If you dare look at my friend for more than two seconds I'll make sure you won't have eyes any longer."

Jeongguk unconsciously balled his fists at that and hesitantly stepped closer. He had sworn to both Hoseok and Taehyung that he would stay out of trouble for the remainder of the year but this guy was – unaware of course- riling Jeongguk up.

The words weren't directed at Jeongguk but the insults he used struck a nerve, the familiarity making his blood boil.

"I-I wasn't-"

The freshman was shoved against the wall once again, his head hitting the lockers with a painful-sounding thud. "It's disgusting, you hear me? Don't act as if no one saw you hold hands with your fag boyfriend."

Jeongguk almost growled at that and he was close enough now for the freshman to see the boy, eyes brimming with tears at the thought of troublemaker Jeon Jeongguk adding himself to the fight.

"Are you seriously gonna cry fuckface?" The guy scoffed. "Boys don't cry-"

The freshman gasped, throat now released as he took deep gulps of breath. Jeongguk stared at the fist he had swung at the senior, disbelief evident in his expression. He hadn't actually meant to punch the guy and stir trouble again, but there had been something about that guy talking shit about this poor boy that just his blood boil.

He watched the senior slump against the locker, eyes wide as he searched for the culprit. When he met Jeongguk's equally surprised gaze he yelled, holding onto his throbbing jaw. "What the fuck?"

He hadn't expected his words would actually be met with a fist to the face, especially not Jeon Jeongguk's fist.

"Jeon is helping someone?" The whispers started, the students that had surrounded the fight but had done nothing to stop it were now focused on the sudden savior. Jeongguk stepped back, his fist hurting from the punch and he accidentally bumped shoulders with the freshman he just saved.

"Since when does he have kindness?" The second he heard these words he let out a loud scoff.

Since always but I don't have kindness for weaklings like you, who are too scared to help someone in need.

Remembering the trembling boy at his side, he turned to face him, squatting down a bit to meet the freshman's eye. "I hope you're alright." He told the kid whose eyes were as big as Jeongguk's, shock and surprise swimming in his irises. This was the guy he had been warned for, the troublemaker who you didn't want to mess with. The senior had actually stood up for him?

"It's not nice to bully kids." Jeongguk now turned his attention to the guy he punched. "You make me out to be a bad guy but at least I don't pick on people smaller than me. This kid did nothing wrong and you raised your fist at him? Well, I raised my fist back."

The guy sputtered but didn't manage to say anything, his jaw throbbing with pain the second he tried moving his mouth. Jeongguk grinned at the other's pain. "You can thank your discriminating ass for that punch to the face."

With one last glance over his shoulder, he told the freshman; "I hope you'll have a good day kid, stay out of trouble", and then he was gone, hoping he didn't anger Hoseok too much by letting him wait for him in the cafeteria.

»»————- 🥊 ————-««

Taehyung was sat in the kitchen with a book in his hand, a mug of tea sat right in front of him with a plate of biscuits accompanying it. His ears perked up when he heard footsteps come up the stairs from the gym, meaning Jeongguk was home from school.

As expected, Jeongguk walked inside the kitchen,  his hood on because of the light rain outside and a backpack slung on one shoulder. Taehyung smiled at seeing his adorable boyfriend. "How was school little one?"

Jeongguk kicked off his shoes before sending Taehyung a quick smile as he walked over to the bedroom. "I punched a guy."

Taehyung almost dropped his book, eyes widening as they followed Jeongguk going into the bedroom to set down his stuff before sauntering back into the kitchen.

"What- but darling, you promised not to stir any trouble again," Taehyung spoke with a soft whine, watching the boy walk over to him. Taehyung pushed his chair back without thinking and let the boy sit on his lap, faces now merely inches apart.

"But you haven't heard the reason why I punched someone." Jeongguk's lips formed a pout. Taehyung's eyebrows furrowed together, his handsome face now crinkled together. Jeongguk lifted a hand to smooth the creases on his forehead.

"Do I need one? No reason is a good reason to punch someone." Taehyung told him, like the wise man he was.

"He was threatening a freshman and telling him how disgusting it was to be gay." Jeongguk told him before reaching back to steal a biscuit from the plate on the table. He nibbled onto it before continuing. "And so I punched him."

"I mean-", Taehyung thought about it for a second, seemingly taken aback by Jeongguk having an actual reason to punch someone. "If there was any good reason it would be that."

Jeongguk chuckled at that and booped the other's nose before swallowing down the whole cookie. Taehyung hummed. "What did Hoseok say? Was he there when you punched him?"

"No, but I did have to buy him his favorite dessert because I left him waiting for me in the cafeteria", Jungkook said, "He's the reason I'm telling you this actually because I first thought of just keeping it to myself but Hoseok was very excited I punched him."

Taehyung sighed before grabbing a biscuit as well. "I'm not necessarily excited but I understand you might have felt you needed to save the boy."

"It would have been hypocritical of me to just walk away." Jeongguk mused. "I can't be all go gay rights and such and then not do anything when I see a fellow gay person get bullied. I understand some people may be scared to help others in fear of getting harassed in return but I don't really care all that much. I'll be out of that hellhole soon enough."

"You're very brave darling." Taehyung smiled, now effectively pressing a kiss to the boy's lips. Jungkook dropped his hands on Taehyung's broad shoulders, feeling the other's arms snake around his small waist.

"What's for dinner hyung?", Jungkook whispered when they finally pulled apart. He had his eyes closed, Taehyung breath fanning over his left ear. He could feel the other's legs move, beginning to get up from the chair.


Ha ha ha and now it turns out Taehyung is actually a cannibal and will eat Jungkook in a non sexy way xoxo the end

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