So I Took Your Love For Granted

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Jeongguk tossed and turned in his bed. He was back home, back in his boyfriend's warm embrace – though that man was currently in the shower – and back to being safe. Even though all of those things should make him content, some small worry in him was gnawing on his insides.

Hoseok. Hoseok was back alone in his house. If Hoseok cried there wouldn't be a Jeongguk to comfort him in the dept of the night. If Hoseok felt lonely there wouldn't be a Jeongguk tossing fries at him to get him out of his head.

And most of all, if Jeongguk did indeed come out at school, wouldn't that directly involve and affect Hoseok as well? They were friends now, the only friends they had. It was always the two of them at school so what would happen if people found out he was gay? Wouldn't they judge Hoseok as well? Wouldn't they presume the two of them were gay together?

It's not like Jeongguk was really going to walk into school on Monday and announce his newfound confidence to the world by blurting out he was gay through a megaphone. He wasn't going to say a thing. The only thing that would change was the fact that Taehyung was now allowed to pick him up at school and show him affection – if Jeongguk could handle that of course because if there were too many onlookers he'll probably still feel embarrassed.

Jeongguk wouldn't lie about Taehyung. He wasn't going to fight anyone for presuming he was gay. He was going to be silent and let the rumors spread. He wasn't going to deny them but he wasn't going to agree with the rumors either. He was going to be himself and that was that. The students could figure out shit for themselves.

"What are you thinking about darling?"

Jeongguk had been staring at the wall for the past five minutes until Taehyung stepped inside, the light of the bathroom casting a stripe of yellow on the floor. Taehyung's figure was dark in the doorway but it was evident he only had sweatpants on and he was rubbing his hair with a towel.

"I thought you'd be asleep by now." Taehyung continued before flicking off the light in the bathroom and flinging the towel on the nearby chair. "You get sleepy when hearing the running of water."

"I know." Jeongguk pouted. "I'm just thinking about school."

"What about school?" Taehyung asked, now slowly climbing over to the boy to get to his side of the bed, the one next to the big windows. "Are you worried about what they might think?"

"I'm worried about what they might think about Hoseok," Jeongguk admitted and turned to the man. "What if they start assuming he's gay as well? He'll be dragged down by me."

"Oh, darling." Taehyung brought the boy into his embrace. "If you're really worried about it maybe you should talk to Hoseok about what's worrying you." His fingers ran across Jeongguk's arm, the goosebumps rising from the contact. "And I'm sure he'll tell you it's fine. He cares about you."

"And I care about him," Jeongguk mumbled, nuzzling his face into the other's neck.

He had missed this, cuddling with Taehyung, knowing he was loved and safe in these arms. Staying at Hoseok's, the cold had bothered him the most. Whenever he was cold he'd shuffle closer to Taehyung and warm his cold feet by sticking them through the man's legs.

To prove his point he rubbed his feet against the man's legs who chuckled at the feeling. "How are you always this cold little one?"

Jeongguk shrugged and inhaled the fresh scent of the man's shampoo. Nothing beat having a showered, warm, rose scented Taehyung next to him at night. He couldn't help running a hand through the man's damp hair, feeling the slick sensation of the man's curls around his fingers.

Taehyung glanced to look up at the hand in his hair and cracked a smile when he realized what the other was doing. "You're sniffing me, darling."

"I know." Jeongguk grinned. "You just smell too good."

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